
<span title="QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I was hanging out with a friend in june and i had really fry skin on my wrists that was starting to split and crack. And i had to hug a friend who might have an STD i don't know what it could be, but it could be anything from HIV/AIDS to whatever the smallest one is. And i was wondering if i hugged this person with my dry cracked/split skin could i have contracted AIDS or something???





  1. If he was bleeding and it got on you, which it doesn&#039;t sound like it so i doubt that you have anything. so don&#039;t worry if you still are just go to the doctors just to see, it will help you not to worry a lot!


  2. Did she bleed on you in anyway? Than no.  

  3. Not unless you were bleeding, and he was bleeding, and your blood was mixed together.

    Aka. No.

  4. OMG. Do you have a casket picked out???LOL

    No. no fears. Unless there was an exchange of body fluids.

  5. not likely unless there is transmission of body fluid it cannot happen.  all stds and HIV/AIDS get transmitted by sexual contact--body fluids being exchanged so relax.  and thanks for being one of the proud.  

  6. omg you need testing go doctors lmao

  7. no you would have had to have gotten her blood or sexual body fluids in your cut to contract a disease from her. please google and read facts about HIV/Aids.

  8. The chances are low to almost none!

    You would need to take body fluid from the person into your blood stream, or pathogens..virus.. to your mucous membranes like the inside of your nose, throat, or inside of your urethra, like in having s*x with her where her s*x fluids or vaginal lubricants could come into your urethra and contact the mucous membranes.

    Hugging an infected person or sitting on a toilet seat which would be similar, cannot transfer std or HIV.

    Hope that brings you some piece of mind

    Me! :- )

  9. ohhhhhhhh god !!!

  10. Not unless you hugged her antartic polar bear

  11. I don&#039;t think there is any chance at all that you

    could have gotten anything. Don&#039;t worry about

    it anymore, your fine :0

  12. unlikely

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