
<span title="Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Do you think its true that Girls are smater than guys? C'os i was watchin this show, science thing, and it said girls were smarter, not better, than boys! Do you think thats true?




  1. umm...was the show called, science thing?  it sound like a retarded name.  and i really hope you are a girl, because i would love for you to prove it otherwise, because this question is rather stupid and doesn&#039;t make much sense.

  2. The male intelligence bell curve is wider than the female. Recent surveys show that women receive 54% of all bachelor&#039;s degrees in the United States, but only 30% of natural science and engineering degrees, and 16% of physics degrees (Bryant, 1993; Ravitch, 1993). These figures somewhat parallel the statistics of UNC women graduates. According the UNC Office of Institutional Research, in 1994, 43% of degree recipients in chemistry were women; 19% of degree recipients in physics were women; and 57% of degree recipients in biology were women. In the field of biology, women appear to be achieving parity with men, but in chemistry and physics, women continue to be underrepresented, particularly when one considers that women constitute more than half the UNC student body (58.5%).

    Please see link for reference:

    I hope this help your quest for answers


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