
<span title="REVENGE!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?">REVENGE!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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i absolutley hate my sister. she always tells on me for everything i do. even if its on accident. its not like she's a baby and that's what she does, she's turning 13 and i think there needs to be some trust around here, but there isnt, she's still a baby. i cant tell her anything! or do anything, or else "mom, she did (fill in the blank)". its driving me crazy. my parents think less of me and think i'm some disobediant jerk. i dont tell on her, cuz she'll just find a way to put the subject back on me. i need some good revenge. i need to give her enough revenge, she'll be so mad, she cant tell anyone, but will feel sorry for absolutly ruining the last 13 years of my life, since she was born.




  1. Short sheet her every night before she goes to bed. Don&#039;t know what short sheeting is?

  2. I have a sister at times I feel the same, but in the end blood is blood we can choose our friends not our family but we can pray for both it gets better just let go and let God let him deal with her and you deal with him in prayer never let anyone get to you this bad.

  3. Find something to blackmail her with. Or, my suggestion you should try first, is to have a serious, non-yelling, talk with her about how it makes you feel, why sisters should unite and have each other&#039;s backs. Go somewhere where you can bond, the mall, to lunch, to a park, etc. Creating a bond between the two of you will make her see what sisterhood&#039;s all about. But the important thing is to not name call, not yell, not get defense, just calmly tell her how you feel.

  4. Be the mature one.

    Ignore her.

  5. -Cover her toilet seat with a thin layer of toothpaste.

    -Put a pair of underwear in her school binder.

    -Put Saran wrap under the toilet seat so when she does her business it won&#039;t go into the toilet.

    -Put toothpaste in her socks.

    -Hide all of her underwear.

  6. An eye for an eye does not work. If you want proof  think about wars and gang bangers . What happens to them? They die because there is a cycle of violence. Violence begets more violence sound familiar? Sit down and talk to your sister and tell her how she is making you feel when she does the things she does to you. She will not know that she is hurting you or pissing you off if you do not tell her. Talk to her in a friendly tone so she will listen and if that fails just pray to Jesus.

  7. just ignore her. ignoring her will drive her crazy. trust me.  

  8. Definately figure out a way for your parents to cath her in the act, that way they&#039;ll know whats really going on. Camcorder would be good, but taking a picture good be good too.

  9. Hate is the major thing that is destroying our country. Forgivness is the only way to save us. Also, here is a hint, if you get mad, she wins. That is what she wants, for you to get MAD.    BUT if you do not get mad about what she had done.... you win and she losesses. ha  ha. Be nice  and happy and thank her in some way, and she sees that her scheme did not work. She wants to make you mad. If she dies not make you mad, you win. Smile.   love wins

  10. im just glad im not your sister

  11. are you a middle child.... this happens alot, she is the baby...

    just hang in there , don&#039;t sweat the small stuff, let her hang herself

    she will need your wisdom when you both get older


  12. She seems jealous of you that you are the older sister. She would like to bring you down to her level and score point with your parents doing it. Revenge will give her what she wants and just get you into trouble. I believe she want to be treated more like your equal rather than your little sister. At any rate your parents will soon tire of the tattle tale behavior. Just treat her with the kind of respect you would want but let her know that being respected is earned not coerced.

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