
<span title="Runescape....................?">Runescape...................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Hey, i currently have 1 construction and i am looking at getting 75

i need to know what is the cheapest item to make which will also be fast.. also how much will this cost?

winner = 10pts

thanks curt




  1. construction does add up after a while,

    If you want to get to level 75 it may take you over  1 million gps to get that high.

    However, there places where planks re-spawn.

    Right outside the barbarian outpost agility area, near the fishing trawler, graveyard in the wild.

    that can save you money.

    make the nails that you need to use (bronze nails are cheapest)

    if you are able to collect about 1k in the planks that re-spawn that could take you up to at least level 10.

    you can save money that way. Also when you need to get other types of planks it is cheaper to buy the planks (oak, teak, mahogany) from the grand exchange. Teaks and mahoganyy cost the most.

    just build thing that need wood only.

  2. Try crafting chairs. Making Oak chairs is decent for starters, make them until you can get teak or other higher planks to make better chairs. Mix it up a little to, for example; make a normal chair,  than a rocking chair so you don&#039;t go using all your planks at once. Also, for oak planks craft your own planks so its pure profit. It&#039;s hard at first but is worth it when you have a lot of money.

    Another benefit is you can destroy the chair when you are done.

    And one final and important tip tip: If you don&#039;t want to spend to much money, or you&#039;re running low, move your house to rimmington, and craft clay fireplaces. Bring a pickaxe and a jug. The clay and water supply are all in the village

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