
<span title="SHSAT??????????????????????????????????????????">SHSAT????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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alright, so im in going to 8th grade in 4 days. im taking the shsat in october and applying for bronx science. i have loads of questions, but here are just some.

- when i study and practice scrambled paragraphs, i get 2 out of 5. shuld i be worrying?

- what kind of questions are there? easy, medium, hard, or extremely hard?

- what is the score needed for bronx science?

- when do u get the results?

thx to anyone who answers.




  1. Answers are as follows:

    1. Don&#039;t worry about the scrambled paragraphs. Just practice! 2 out of 5 will, unfortunately, get you no credit. Worrying will just reduce your score, though. The Kaplan book provides an excellent strategy for scrambled paragraphs that put me from your level to perfect scores!

    Update: Sorry about that confusion. 2/5 questions correct will earn you 4/10 points. Still not excellent, but better than nothing! If you want to get into Bronx Science,though,  practice that part some more.

    2. The questions are usually medium to hard, but easy and extremely hard questions will pop up.

    3. The cutoff score varies from year to year, but a scaled score of around 530 should suffice.

    4. Results are given in February of 8th grade.

    Good Luck on your test! Hope you pass!

  2. ok look i took the 8th grade test but i was too nervous for it so it cost me a bit of failure which made me get into brooklyn latin. theres no quesitons that are hard, it only depends on your main subject. you sohuld worry about the paragraph because the paragraph are 2 times the score of regular english questions. also pionts for each question is not 8 pionts its unequal according to its diffculty i think.but i know each questions isn&#039;t evenly pointed. you get the results around feburary.when i took the exam(lastyear) the cut-off was 509 i think, whih is extremely low. but to make matters safe, its probably going to be around 540. also passages in the english can get boring so adapt to bearing them. the logics are simple just read carefully. everything in the exam is just read carefully then you&#039;ll do well. there based to fool you. sleep early and have breakfast. bring something sweet with you incase you feel bored during the test, the sweetness will get you active

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