
<span title="Sewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">Sewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to make a dress but every time i try it on it comes apart.How do I keep it from doing that.thank you for helping me=)




  1. You need to do back stitches for the stitching to stay in place...

  2. try a heavy thread and try zig zagging the seams together and &quot;back tacking&quot; which means everytime you finish the seam back up over it again with the needle like 2 inches and when ever you start a new seam its good to do that there as well

  3. Back stitch when you first start the seam.

    I have MUCH experience.

  4. are u basting the seams? if ur sewing them by hand use a smallr stitch.

  5. Double stich

  6. Are you using a sewing machine?  Check to see that the upper thread is into the tension, and the tension should be set at about 4 or 5 for almost everything.  Begin and end seams that will not be crossed by another seam with stitching in reverse, or stitching with a very short stitch length.

    If you&#039;re hand sewing, use a backstitch or 2-3 running stitches and backstitch.  Make sure your threads are begun and ended securely within the seam.  Hand sewing stitches should not be much longer than 1/6&quot;, and the tension on the stitches should be uniform.

    In either instance, seams should be at least 1/4&quot; from the cut edge of the fabric; farther if the pattern so specifies.  Very ravelly fabrics may need very large seam allowances or special seam types like flat felled seams.

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