
<span title="Smoking????????????????????????">Smoking??????????????????...</span> ?

by  |  earlier

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hi i smoke and i am trying to stop but i love to smoke is there anything else i can smoke like a cigarette but that is not bad for me? paper and tree leaves? can u help me




  1. DON&#039;T  start smoking weed.  What is WRONG with you people?  My God.  There is this website that features a type of &#039;cigarette&#039; that is smokeless and harmless but that you can inhale it and it gives you the nicotine.  I wish I could remember where I found it, but it is a little expensive- 200$, but that&#039;s pretty good considering how much you spend on cigarettes now.  

  2. Join NHS Stop Smoking.

  3. i agree with the first dude smoke weed

  4. Weed isn&#039;t that expensive...smoke it, if people on welfare can afford it, so can you.

  5. try salmon.  

  6. Lol, instead of smoking leaves, or paper.

    Try cutting down the number of ciggarettes you smoke in each day.

    For example, say you smoke 5 ciggarettes in one day, then try smoking only 3. And just take away one of two every week.

    Also try keeping yourself busy, whenever you have the urge to smoke.

    Try chewing on toothpicks, CHEW, not SMOKE. Alsokeep your mouth busy as well, be creative chew on something like almonds, gum, nicorrette is very helpful! [But it won&#039;t do the whole job. =P]

    Keep a rubberband on your wrist and play with it when you get urges, talk on the phone with your friends. Play video games.

    I know some of these ideas sound stupid, but it worked for my dad. So it will work for you.

    By the way, there&#039;s this licorice you can smoke it tastes good. There only 50 cents in Canada. Just ask for the licorice that you could smoke.

    And DON&#039;T smoke weed, it&#039;s more addictive, more bad for you, and you could get in serious trouble if the police found out you smoke it.

  7. Try this ,I did it for ten years before I quit .Smoke 1 cigarrette every hour or every 2 or 3 hours ,whatever you&#039;re comfortable with .Don&#039;t cheat ,this is called smoke enders program .It works great.

  8. Smoke cigars

  9. firstly dont smoke weed its against the law. secondly camel just came out with something that gives you the same satisfaction as smoking but wont hurt you. try it and good luck!

  10. Don&#039;t smoke, it is bad for your health, no matter what you smoke. Get a patch, or Nicotine gum.

  11. most health stores sell herbal cigs (not pot), ive tried them, they dont taste good.

  12. i am a soker too.. try to buy cadies that has nicotine, its an alternative...

  13. Its good that your trying to quit.

    Basically ALL my friends smoke and it drives me crazy :)

    Saying that, one friend of mine did manage to quit and he did it my using this inhaler thing that was like a cigerette but white and plastic and had small amounts of nicotine in.

    I don&#039;t really know what it is but here is a website explaining it...

    They&#039;ll have them at your local drug store

    Good luck x*x

  14. thats hard unless ur determined u really want too

    try ur doctor,he can help the most

    trust me

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