
<span title="!!!!!!!!!!TROY?????????????">!!!!!!!!!!TROY???????????...</span>

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Fake or Real? ANSWER PLEASE!!




  1. I believe it is still unknown for sure, although there is evidence of a civilization that existed in Asia Minor which could have been the Trojans.  Personally, I believe that Troy did exist.  It would make sense in the Illiad that the Greeks would be fighting an actual enemy that had existed.  Of course, the reasons for the war, as well as the fantasy elements were likely untrue.

  2. The movie?  It was based on a book.... The Illiad.

    The city?  It was real and has been excavated.

  3. No it isn&#039;t real; it is based upon Greek mythology.

  4. you want to look up Hisarlik on the internet.  Even the archaeologists that go there to disprove it end up proving it.  If its exactly as Homer described it, its Troy (if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck - has the right number of gates exactly where they&#039;re supposed to be on the wall, has the city walls exactly angled as the Iliad claims despite the fact it wasn&#039;t common back then, encompasses the large area and number of homes Homer claimed, sits exactly where its supposed to on the Dardanelles, has an ancient Greek burial ground next to the landing spot and has a silted over harbor...).  The only reason there are people that still like to question it is because they haven&#039;t found a giant stone sign hanging over one of the gates of the city yet that says &#039;Troy&#039;.  

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