
<span title="TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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First off I don't get it. I tried to read the books but discovered they're poorly writen tripe with simplistic thoughts. And reading what Twilight fans have to say about the books and how much they love the characters and wish all men to be like Edward wories me. Why would you want to be with someone like that?




  1. Twilight fans are all clearly crazy.

  2. I completely agree. And on top of it how can you take an author seriously when she has a tizzy and refuses to finish a book. I would hate it if all men were like Edward, I&#039;ll take a real man any day.

  3. Oh dear no! Most people I know just love Edward because he is super incredibly hot! Honestly, if I were to chose a male from the book, I would choose Jacob. No one really expects people to be like Edward, or they&#039;d get annoyed, lol. :] He&#039;s too  perfect, and it bugs me. But Bella doesn&#039;t seem to mind...

    And I have to disagree with you, they are most definately not poorly written. An example of bad writing:

    Bella went into the car, which was red like a brick. (stupid description) Bella sat in the car. Bella turned on the car (saying every detail). Bella drove. (Too many sentences!)

    THAT is poor writing. Stephenie Meyer has an amazing way to describe things...

    And just wondering, how are the thoughts simplistic? (No, seriously... how? I&#039;d love to hear your explanation.)

  4. ok first of all...if you didn&#039;t even like the first book why keep reading??? second...people like you just need to respect those of us who LOVE twilight. i&#039;m so sick of people hating on it...yes you can have your own opinion but just keep it to yourself. and lastly vampires AREN&#039;T REAL so stephenie can write whatever she wants about them! nothing is for a fact...and for the record...I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!

  5. AGREE!

    I mean come on... Meyerpires?, no thanks... I prefer real ones. And don&#039;t worry it&#039;s just a phase, they like the books because Edward is &quot;HAWT!1&quot;.

    The story of a human falling in love with a vampire is not original, no one bit. It&#039;s super cliché like a bad fanfiction of Quizilla. She abuses of purple prose and &quot;big&quot; words so the girls could think &quot;OH SHE&#039;S SO SMART!!!1&quot;, the main characters are Mary Sue and Gary Stu, the plot, Who needs a plot when you have a hot main character! And the worst (apart of the bad writing) is the romance. They just fall in love because Bella smells good and Edward is hot ... and their relationship? unhealthy as h**l. I mean she has no dreams or hobbies, just Edward here and Edward there.

    Oh and YES I&#039;m a teen (16 year old) and YES I like vampires (Lestat Back of *****!) and romance, but Twilight Sucks.

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