
<span title="Treefrogs!!!!!!!!!?????????">Treefrogs!!!!!!!!!???????...</span>

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i need to know how to take care of a tree frog so plz if u have experience tell me all i need to know so i can give mine a happy life! also is it ok to put them in the same tank as some green anoles and fire bellied toads? if not is a 8 inch long 5 inch wide and 14 inch high tank a good size for just one? i heard they prefer hight over floor space so i thought it would be fine since its taller than a foot? do they drink water off leaves like anoles or do they drink from a water dish? do they like branches with leaves or no leaves ? what about moss do they like that ? what else can i feed them besides crickets? the tank has a lid on it with a light do i need to keep it on for a while or should i just keeo it off? whoever can answer all my ?s with good detail nswers will get chosen as the best answer!!!!!!!!




  1. No, don&#039;t mix them with fire bellys or anoles.

    What kind of treefrog is it?

    I had 3 whites dumpy treefrogs, etremely easy to take care of.  I had an exo-terra 18x18x18 cage and the double light hood with the mounted thermometer and hydrometer.  White&#039;s are the hardiest frog of all so keeping in captivity is a breeze.

    The cage is a big part of the care, It needs to be glass or acrylic with some type of ventilation on the lid.  You need humidity to keep the frogs healthy but not so much that everything molds.  

    What I used for substrate;  I would put 1/2&#039;&#039; layer of coconut husk or repti-bark (whatever you have available) on the bottom of the cage. I prefer a mix by repzilla called fir aspagnum moss.  I would mix in warm water then squeeze off as much as I could (to make it moist) then add 1/2&#039;&#039; - 1&#039;&#039; on top of the bottom layer.  (the bottomlayer acts like rocks letting any moisture drain to the bottom and keeping the water from molding the bedding. Alternative to repzillas brand is a block of bed-a-beast and a package of &quot;frog moss&quot;  which is good because it takes little care and keeps humidity up.

    give them a big enough water dish to soak in over night (frogs are nocturnal) and add reptisafe to condition the water.  frogs absorb water and don&#039;t drink it.  make sure to give them fresh water everyday if you want to keep them healthy.

    I got decor from the reptile section at petsmart that looked like a tree (standing about a foot tall) and wrapped it in fake vines covered with silk leaves (the silk holds moisture for better humidity).  Yes frogs would rather be higher than to have a long cage.  

    The back of my cage had a piece of styrofoam that was painted to look like rocks.  You can buy &quot;cork board&quot; for a natural decor and even ad live plants into it that need little water.  

    since the cage was small enough all I had for heat was an undertank heating pad.  I had 2 UV bulbs.  1 was full spectrum for the frogs and live plants and one with UVA and UVB for calcium absorbtion.   Light and some type of heating is important to the animals health.  

    you should have the humidity around 70-85, the day time heat around 80 and a nightime temp of 75

    Food wise we fed ours about 3-4 large crickets every OTHER day.  Dusted the crickets in calcium powder once a week.  and if we did not feed crickets we would feed small mealworms and rarely waxworms.  waxworms are high in fat so it will make your frog fat.  Ocassionally would throw in an earthworm or two.

    I think that is about it.  

    any questions or concerns just e-mail me

  2. search google for tree frog care sheets.

  3. we have a 20 gallon tank with tree frogs and fired bellied toads in what we have done is got a big mango root decoration and hung leaves on it the frogs love climbing up and going in the root, they sleep in there until evening. you need a UV light and a small basking ligh but you can keep them at room temp if it is warm where you are, we have a half land and half water tank with a little shore so they can get out, it also has some rocks in, the tree frogs do prefer branches to climb on and they spend most of their time at the top of the tank so some high branches would be good, the toads prefer the bottom with some half logs to hide under, you do need some water for the frogs and toads to go into, you can put a dish in but both the frogs and toads like to soak in water, they also like leaves to hide in, we mist the tank twice a day, and if you mist the tank as the evening draws in and turn off the main light they will come out for food then, we feed ours small crickets, but they also like other bugs, we have cut up worms for them they like these, wood lice, and we get maggots from the fishing shop, let them crystallize and then put them in the tank, once they hatch into flies the frogs go made for them but don&#039;t open the tank until they are gone or you will end up with lots of flies in the house, usually most small bugs are enjoyed, best of luck with your set up.

  4. Depending on the species of tree frog you are talking about. Green tree frogs are pretty docile and can live with different creatures within there habitat. I have 15 white lipped tree frogs in my custom built rain forest habitat with 12 mating pairs of Bahama anoles and the only time I ever have a problem is when a baby hatches the tree frogs some times thinks they are food and eats them. To keep them you need to keep the humidity high because absorb there moisture through there skin and that is how they drink. You need to make sure you have alot of broad leaf plants that will support there weight so they don&#039;t break and hurt the frogs if they fall. Use a shallow water bowl for them to soak in because they do like to soak and when mating they need the water to deposit there eggs. They are very vocal and you will hear them alot especially at night right after you mist them. If you try to mimic there natural habitat they will mate often for you. I hope this helps you

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