
<span title="Twilight~Edward!?!?!?!?!?!?">Twilight~Edward!?!?!?!?!?...</span>

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Who thinks that they could have found a better looking actor for Edward in Twilight? I mean He's not UGLY but he's no BEAUTY either... I picture him a lot more handsome then that.... Post either~ He's fine to me~ They could have done better~ He's OK but i guess they could've tried harder. Or just post your comment I think he's good looking in his own way but... He's not the Handsome Edward described in the book. PLEASE ANSWER!?




  1. I totally agree he isn&#039;t bad looking but he just doesn&#039;t look like edward, he isn&#039;t as masculine as edward was described as. I think they could have done better on edward and rosalie, she was described as the most beautiful girl on the planet, and I didnt really agree with a lot of the characters they picked. I sure hope the movie doesnt butcher the book and is worth watching.

  2. i agree with the last comment. the movie edward is good looking but hes definitely not how imagined edward in the book. the one i imagined is alot more better looking

  3. OMG i agree but then the more i looked in to him as a person not a character person i was like wow hes kinda cool and now i really like  him though i think he is hot in Harry Poter

  4. He&#039;s perfect : )

  5. OMG!  I&#039;m totally with you!  I think they could&#039;ve done MUCH better on casting Edward in the movie.  The guy they got is NOWHERE near as hott as I imagined Edward to be.  It kinda ruins the whole Twilight thing for me.  I&#039;m not really sure if I wanna see the movie because I have a feeling that a lot of stuff is gonna be different than the book.  But back to the casting...I think all the guys in the movie should&#039;ve been hotter.  They&#039;re supposed to be &quot;good looking&quot; and the only vampire in the movie that&#039;s half way decent is Emmet.  The rest are kinda ugly and their hair looks fake.  I think they did a good job on all the female roles though.  Even though Alice looks a little different that I imagined too.  But at least the girls are all fairly pretty.  They TOTALLY should&#039;ve picked a hotter Edward tho since he&#039;s like the main character and all.  Oh well.  I guess the casting people thought he was hott.  I think they need to wake up and smell the coffee tho.  He&#039;s SOOOO NOT HOTT!

  6. Haha, I agree.  I was so disappointed when I saw who they picked for Edward&#039;s part :/.

  7. I think he looks cute to me.  but thats just me. and my friend got to me, with all the Twilight stuff. LOL ^_^  

  8. I freaked out when I first found out, but now I&#039;m ok with stillbothers me a bit though, hes not the best actor for ~Edward~ but he&#039;s not the worst either, but hes still not inhumanly gorgeous like the book described TT^TT

  9. He&#039;s not my perfect Edward too, but Edward is different to everyone! I don&#039;t think they could have done much better than Robert tho!

    Help me please!;...

  10. i like the edward

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