
<span title="VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span> need some answers!!!?

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im in 8th grade and needing to know some stuff about volleyball

what season does it start?

is it a hard sport to learn? (i dont know one thing about it,just that i really like it and want to play this yr)

do u get to do stuff?(like travel,go on trips,like disney world,etc?


10 points will be given!!




  1. Volleyball normally starts in the fall unless you do club teams.  Its hard work and it takes time. Bumping is pretty easy to catch onto, and when you learn to set it&#039;ll be a little weird at first, but after the first few practices it will turn into riding a bike almost. But serving takes a while to get down. I would buy a volleyball and serve it onto your roof and take a camp this summer before the year starts. Lots of colleges hold volleyball camps and high schools. It depends on what your coach wants to do. If you want to travel do club teams. Hope this helped good luck!

  2. --The start of the season usually depends on where you live.  For me the start of the season is in August, but sometimes the start is in November-ish.  People say that volleyball is such an easy sport, but honestly its not all that easy.  It is pretty easy to understand once you get the positions, movements, and passes. But overall it is pretty easy to remember all.  You normally get to do things such as travel, in my school we just travel to different schools, but of course my school is poor. =). But bigger schools do actually get to go to different places such as disney world.  Your best bet is to find someone who has played volleyball in your school and ask them about the traveling.

  3. I am going to in 9th grade.And in 8th grade, my season started right after winter break. Volleyball is a really fun sport. Even if you dont know how to play, you will still have fun. Volleyball isnt a very hard sport to learn if you practice a lot. When I was an 8th grader I made the team cause I was good. But there were people who werent so good but made the team. Those type of people have great attuitdes and always werre postive. So if oyu wanna play just practive and come into tryouts...happy and  determinded ot win...Well you get to go to state and reginals in middle school. If your teram really good. But you dont go really far.But high school you do.

    hope I helped

  4. you have to be really good and big and buff   lol

    in my school(or furture school)

    there are three or two teams, if you are in the more competitive team, you get the SKIP SCHOOL! :)

    but you need at least a few years of experience

    and season starts around winter

  5. Volleyball is one of the most easiest sports to learn. and its really fun.

    usually it starts where i live in the summer, just for conditioning. but teams round up in the fall.

    depending on who and where you play, theres a very god chance you could go to places like that. plus it always keeps you moving so you&#039;ll always be doing something.

    have fun!

  6. well for my school its starts in the summer. well wht i mean is tryouts start then you see if you made the team if you did then you do practices with the team. no all you really know is square passes serving overhand which took a little while cause you have to have arm strength and hit the ball at the right time it took like 3 weeks for me.{ 13 years old} but of you are younger then it might take longer. also setting which isnt for everybody or spiking which isnt for everybody either back row is the easiest you just do square passes to your front middle aka your setter. the thing tht helps me practice is have my dad spike to me on are volleyball court in the back so stronger people do it so im able to know what it feels like from somebody your own age. well you get to travel to different schools and you also get to go like P.A for tournements and stuff so yes you do but not like disney world well not at are school at least. but at are school you get a tune of volleyball shirts socks sweatpants their really cool! i dont know if i answered this but it starts in fall.

  7. Volleyball usually starts in The fall sometime they have year round volleyball, sometime they have a season start in summer too(usually not)

    this sport needs a lot of dedication it doesnt have to be long as you really want it and work at it.

    you may get to travel it depends on your school some schools go on big trips for sports teams most just go out of town for tourneys and games, you would have to ask your coach about that one

    good luck and have fun


  8. if you play school volleyball then it starts when ever your school wants it to start but my school pretty much right when you get there and goes untill like octoberish. but i you played club volleyball wich is more like a travel team then it starts after school volleyball ends so like end of october and early november. but really the seasons starts according to where you live. and maybe if your club team is good enough you might get to go to disney. (me and my club team whent there and its really really fun!!) the sport is REALLY easy to learn. all you need is fast feet, good hand eye cordation and be able to jump on comand.the hardest part is learning the positions but with a little pratice that should come with ease so dont get fustrated if you dont get the rotaion because chances are someone else dosent get it too! volleyball is a really fun sport becase you get to make new friends that share the same likes as you. hope this helped you alot!


  9. for school you play other school teams!!!

    for like a club the fairest i went  with my team was i think Reno!!

    and then somewhere by Sana Cruz!

    but if your on a really good team you will go to Jo&#039;s

    junior Olympics!!

    that is any where!!!

    we almost got to go and it was in Michigan!

    it is a very fun sport to play!

    but i you don&#039;t go to Disney land and things its not like choir or something!!

    volleyball is a hard sport!!!

  10. Go to &quot;Resolved Questions&quot; and check out some of those.  There have been some questions &amp; answers that will help you.  Good luck!

    VB is not a hard sport to learn &amp; it&#039;s one that you can play even later in life.  It is fun!  Even though the you only play vb from Sept. to Oct. during the school year, you can play anytime w/friends &amp; family at church, swimming pools, lakes, in the backyard or at a friend&#039;s house.

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