
<span title="WhatColourBracesAreBestIfIDontWantThemToBeTooObvious?">WhatColourBracesAreBestIf...</span>

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#Question about braces and colours of blocks#

I am 16 and getting braces fitted at the start of october. I'm worried about getting them because i dont want to be the only one in college who has them. As i dont need teeth taken out willl it be quicker treatment? how long did it take you to have the treatment?

Also what is the best colour to have on the blocks? I was thinking of white as it would match the teeth better but am not sure! What do you think is the best colour if i dont want them to be too visible? What colours did you choose for them?

Thank you for any answers!!!




  1. silver for blocks and  when i first got mine i choose gray for the color and you could hardly tell I had braces...thats the best

  2. silver grey smoke gray they even have clear bracket wear it looks like it is only a retainer from close up but far they cant even see em dont get white or clear it looks like there is stuff on your teeth but i got like a greenish ble just yesterday and the wires are colored but they hurt you cant eat solid foods but use the wak and getting the braces on doesnt hurt the only thing is slight discomfort but it feels wierd when you get the wires on. SAVE THE WAX!!! it does help alot take pain killers you might wanna befor you go in to get them on put a hecka alot of chapstick because of the mouth stretchers so best of luck  and i really like the mouth strethcer it got annoying though and if you need the elastics they suck they hurt and bug the c**p out of me and are difficult to take off have a good time with braces o yea and i have to have mine 4 4 years sux but every one is different o yea i have these weird spike things behind my teeth it hurts but i guess they stop hurting cant wait for that

  3. Try silver it looks good even make you feel great. No one will notice, it blends well with the color of your teeth. Later when you feel comfortable go for blue and pink colors they looks fashionable. If possible go for invisible braces, they are comfortable and a real mystery for the onlookers!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You can get clear brackets - These aren&#039;t the colours you choose but the braces will actually be a clear colour which blend in to you teeth.  - I had them and only my friends knew I even had braces =] They are a little more expensive though.

    If you have sliver brackets go with grey or sliver to start with - if you don&#039;t want them to be noticeable. When you get more comfortable with having braces on your teeth though you will want to get brighter colours. Lie pink and blue or even the rainbow lol..

    I didn&#039;t have any teeth taken out and my braces were on for about three years (I was 11when I first got them - I am now 15) , it depends mostly on age, why you have braces, and how well you stick to the treatment.

  5. First off I really doubt that you will be the only one in college that has braces but if you don&#039;t want them to to noticeable I would go with a white to match your teeth or a silver or gray to match the blocks. When I had braces I had white at first then I got a little more comfortable and went with different colors. Good Luck in college....

  6. silver it blends in with the braces.

  7. I&#039;m sure people in collage will have them also my cuz got them put on during collage.white is a bad idea and so is clear because the things you eat will stain them easily even if you brush .i say silver is the best . for some people there braces don&#039;t show as easily because they have lips that cover the brackets or as you call them blocks so people don&#039;t see the braces .some people i talked to every day would ask me when did i get braces and i would say 2 years a go . i would just say to have fun with the colors people notice some times but they will be like what colors did you get every time i go them changed. the treatment really depends on how bad your teeth are and if there is anything else that needs to be corrected like a narrow palate . just have fun with them i got mine in October in The 8th grade and i just got them off a month ago in the tenth.

  8. Well, i have had my braces for nearly 4 years and i always get clear ties. They are way less noticeable and they don&#039;t fade like the regular colors.

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