
<span title="Why.............????????????">Why.............?????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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why are you idiots giving a 13 year old advice on how to go down on her guys are sick...who agrees?




  1. agree it isnt right

  2. a thirteen year old should still be playing with barbies not giving h**d

  3. Yes that is terribly wrong.  

  4. i totally agree with you! those people are idiots!! sick idiots! the people that offer that advise will probably end up with a pregnant teen daughter or have a son that got a girl pregnant at that age.


  5. That is slightly wrong

    I hadnt kissed a guy yet at 13!


  6. I agree!!!!  It is wrong.

    For the person that said &quot;how do you know they are 13?&quot;  IF they asked the question they are too young to be doing the action!

  7. lol how do we know if where talk to a 13 year old where does it say there age. just askin . yes i agree with you but i tried lookin for there age but cant find it  

  8. I think it&#039;s sick that a 13 year old is asking the question AND people are giving the answer. It&#039;s things like that which ruin this site!

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