
<span title="Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Has anyone been on the Religion and Spirituality board? If you have do you agree that there is so much hate there?




  1. That would be the right place for me.  I am an ardent atheist Hindu.  But I will have to write a lot and I find it very difficult to write in English, translating everything I think in my language in to English when it is about philospahy and such deep schit.

    So I seldom go to Religion and Spirituality board and stay put here.

  2. never

  3. There is a lot of Hatred coming from both sides on that forum.

    Atheist or not, it seems everyone on the board lacks an I.Q. above the single digits.  

    The atheist in that forum tend to ridicule peoples religion, while there seems to be nothing but a bunch of hypocritical religious morons who feel they&#039;re perfect, can&#039;t possible have any flaws, and judge others for their belief, or for one little wrong doing. People of religion in that section can turn anyone off from a religion in a heart beat, because they&#039;re too freaking busy judging everyone else and, trying to convince others that they&#039;re going to h**l, while these hypercritical jerks think they&#039;re always right and no everything as well as going to heaven because they think they&#039;re perfect.

    I think yahoo should just do away with that forum.

    EDIT: Oh there has been days they would ridicule other religions, just not as often. You should see the comments about Muslims on there from time to time.

  4. Both the christians and the athiests need some time out in the naughty chair

  5. Religion has been a cause of strife, human misery and war since the dawn of time. Why would it be any different on a chat board?

    Edit: I don&#039;t recall atheists throughout history burning alive people who don&#039;t share their faith, persecuting witches or Jews, marching people into death camps, effecting &quot;ethnic cleansing,&quot; firing bullets and setting off bombs in Northern Ireland, flying passenger planes into buildings, inspiring war in Palestine, partitioning Pakistan from India, murdering girls for &quot;honor&quot; or kidnapping tourists in Southeast you?

  6. I&#039;ve been there a couple times just to see some of the discussions and you&#039;re right. I thought religion was supposed to promote peace and tolerance?? Not the complete opposite.

  7. Absolutely. I don&#039;t even go there anymore, it&#039;s such a big fight there. Occasionally, a question will pop up that interests me from the &quot;g*y, L*****n, Transgendered&quot; section that I want to know the answer to as well. You should SEE all the stuff in there...

    When I want to take a breather from reading everyone&#039;s hate, I go to Polls and Surveys or answer questions about make up for the day. No hate there! :D haha

  8. Beg to disagree with you on your ending part; there was once a time when Muslims were under attack.  They got it from both sides the Christians and the atheists; it was bloody; I know  because I was involved.

  9. Think radical religion could literally end the d**n world if we let much hate in what is suppose to be based in love and understanding.

  10. I used to hang out there with great frequency and its my opinion that the most virulent hatred came from the christians. I&#039;m not insulting or belittling you, that is just the way I experienced it. But for the most part, it is a complete clusterfeck.

    Also, I&#039;d like to say you are a very respectful to me despite what I&#039;ve said to you in the past, and I find that impressive. I don&#039;t agree with many things you say, but I&#039;ll just keep it to myself from now on.

  11. Tracey is wrong. Sorry, Tracey, but the Bolsheviks were hard core atheists as well as political fanatics, and they did execute millions of people. So Atheists are not entirely innocent.

    However, when you look at Humanist atheists, who are the majority of atheists now, Tracey is right. My atheist friends wouldn&#039;t dream of persecuting a believer. In fact, they&#039;re the most moral people I know.

    Believers make the common mistake of believing that morality comes from God. OK, if you say so. But atheists disagree and have come up with their own ethical code. Bertrand Russell was an atheist. Besides being a womanizer, who can find a fault in this great philosopher&#039;s character?  People need to examine these complex issues without their cultural blinders on.

  12. Keep in mind about 90% of the &quot;questions&quot; over there are from trolls just trying to get a rise out of people.

  13. Yes there is much hatred. This happens when faiths collide.

    Since Atheist have no proof that God do not exist. Their believes  are based on faith just as anyone elses. (Well, except agnostic). That pisses them off when its pointed out that they are a religion, an unorganized one, but a religion nevertheless.


    If there is a God, then God will not care so much about a person religion as of a persons hearth. So religion does not mater. Your heart does.

    Live and Let live. People can believe in the Great Pumpkin for what I care. I have my believes, they have theirs. And they both are based on faith, so there is no way of knowing the truth.


    It always amuses me how atheist forget about all the genocides committed by atheist states as Stalins Russia or Communist China. In fact Stalin let 24 million of his people die of starvation. 3 times more than the 6 million of Jews that Hitler killed.

    Bottom line, wars and genocides will continue independently of the existence of religions or not. As many people will continue to just follow the leader.

  14. Yeah, I know...

    I hate religion.

  15. I go there sometimes when GWS is quiet, and the disagreements seem even more intense than on here! I think the problems are caused by individuals of all ideologies though, rather than by any one religous belief. I&#039;m agnostic so I fall right in the middle. :)

  16. I couldn&#039;t agree more!!!

    It&#039;s not just religions that cause people to become hateful. There are also many rude ignorant users or should I call them Atheist trolls? They act like trolls therefore I will call them trolls. It&#039;s better to show respect and not so much spite and ignorance. If a question is about God and you don&#039;t believe in God- IGNORE IT!

    I&#039;m tired of seeing sincere questions get attacked by people who simply dislike the question.

    EDIT: Tracey she was talking about what is happening on the Y!A board right now not about what people may have done in the &quot;name of religion&quot;. I can burn down schools in the name of cats right?


    I agree, R&amp;S used to be fun but now I feel as though I am being attacked everytime I go there. It&#039;s full of self righteous rudeness coming from all sides. I would be ashamed to call myself an R&amp;S regular.

  17. Religion is a very touchy subject even more than th women and gender studies. The atheist&#039;s are very upset, but it a religion too. Also, I get so many people trying to force religion on me that it&#039;s ridicules.

  18. Yes, it&#039;s a very hateful board, especially recently. But it goes both ways. It isn&#039;t the Christians&#039; fault, it isn&#039;t the atheists&#039; fault, and it isn&#039;t anyone else&#039;s fault.

    Jesus said in His ministry that Christians would be hated. And it&#039;s true. But we need to be more understanding of others. How can we expect to make a difference if we act the same as everyone else? We must live our faith.

    It would help, though, if EVERYONE were more understanding and at least acted civil towards one another.

  19. That&#039;s the only site where I have ever got hate mail from, all because I said I wanted to become a Druid, and it wasn&#039;t from the Atheists!

  20. This is an occupational hazard of expressing your religious or political beliefs in public. I&#039;d say they all had it coming.

  21. I&#039;ve been there...

  22. I agree that is the worse place. This place looks friendly compared to that place.

  23. yes

    some of the people on that board are even more stupid than on this one

    ricardox - lol


    &quot;a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

    b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

    2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

    3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

    4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.&quot;

    And how exactly does atheism fit into this definition of religion?? Before you say (4) let me point out that 99% of atheists do not pursue &#039;atheism&#039; with zeal, anymore than a normal person will not pursue imaginary mice in their house with zeal :-)

  24. Don&#039;t go blaming it all on the atheists.

    It&#039;s a contentious topic, and some people like to poke fun at others or insult them. Yes, Christians do it too.

    The idea isn&#039;t that Christians are sinless; the idea is that they&#039;re forgiven.

  25. Understand that atheism is a that focuses on self rather than on an external God.  As such, you usually get the most self-centered folks for surprise that they&#039;re the ones who show the least restraint in bashing others.

  26. I&#039;ve been there, and found it almost as bad as here.  This place is enough for me, thanks.  

    And I agree with Tracey.  It&#039;s the fundies in any religion who make life miserable for others by trying to force their faith down our throats.

    Thank God I&#039;m not a Christian.

  27. It is suprising to me that in many religions, one task it to not judge others.  Turns out many of these people are the most judgemental of all.  NOT ALL BUT MANY!

    I&#039;m going to check it out, I&#039;m up for a good debate..lets see how long my answers will last before they get deleted.

  28. Yes, there is. However, be careful not to interpret every academic disagreement as hatred.

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