
<span title="XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWhat">XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxW...</span> is a <span title="gemini?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?">gemini?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...</span>

by Guest32899  |  earlier

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my grandma is very into asrolgy and stuff, and we were talking and she told me that i was a gemini. could someone tell me what this means about me or like, what it is. im confused.




  1. GEMINI! me too! =]  People sterotype us as very unfaithful, fickle, and two faced, but I don&#039;t find that true, at ALL. The Gemini&#039;s symbol is the twins, which means we have two sides.  People mistake that for two faced, but it really means we have two different people living in us.  One may be really bitchy, the other very kind. Gemini&#039;s tend to know everything about everyone.  People say that Gemini&#039;s are the gossiper of the zodiac. Jobs that Gemini&#039;s excel at are : advertising, public relations, or broadcasting.  Gemini&#039;s think on their feet and are really witty and flirty.  When Gemini&#039;s are in relationships, they need to be intellectually stimulated.  People say that Gemini&#039;s can never belong to one person because they are too flighty, but I find this to be untrue because I love being in long lasting relationships.  Gemini&#039;s need lively conversation, and they like having a diverse group of friends, because they feel &quot;complete.&quot;  They like talking to people that have all different interests, because Gemini&#039;s normally do too.  

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