
!st week of school and people already talking about me?

by  |  earlier

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just started school this week, im a 11th grader, and i just moved from outer state. im trying to make more friends than enimies. people are giving me wierd looks, and some girl already started a rumor saying that i prefer girls over boys because i seem too nice. i know it doesnt matter much, but why so soon?




  1. Beat up the rumour-spreader. Trust me, if you don't it'll get out of hand, sometimes you just got to lay down some limits. Sure, you'll gain an enemy, but if you let her spread the rumours, you'll end up with even more people frowning upon you than if you just beat that one idiot up.

    It'll be a breeze, rumour-spreaders are the biggest cowards ever. Don't stoop down to her level and spread rumours about her, just put her in her place.

  2. people are probably jealous.

    my friend got talked about last year and people said she was g*y and everything. the principal talked to the girls and she made them tell the truth, they were jealous. they are obsessed with you, and all they do is talk about you.

    i started a rumor back, and i got detention, so dont do that.

  3. u must be too pretty or too many guys like u

  4. Just remember there are evil people who will start rumors and you will just have to learn to ignore them and find your own group of friends. You will get through this.

    -Daniel :)

  5. Couple of things to keep in mind....

    You are new.

    They don't know anything about you.

    They are probably jealous or intimidated by you.

    People fear new things...or people.  

    JUST BE YOURSELF.  Sounds like you are a sweet person.  Just be true to yourself.  Study hard!  Find out what your gifts and talents are and just focus on being the best you can be.  

    The rest, I promise, will fall into place.....  don't worry about what people say about you.   They must have very little going on in their lives if they are so concerned about you.  

  6. best adivce is dont care if u dont itll stop my ex friend spread a romur that my cursh wants me which i knows not ture and were in 8th grade it was the frist day for me


  7. talk to a teacher u trust or a counselor. the bullying needs to stop!

  8. Girl you know how highschool is. Highschool wouldnt be HIghschool without all the drama and rumors. Who care what they say about you? They aint got nothing better to do then talk about others which is PATHETIC and dont deserve to take up your thoughts.

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