
(surfers only) would you go out with me ??

by  |  earlier

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my name is kaytlyn

im 5'3

weigh 85

long brown hair

like 2 snowboard and surf

14 years old




  1. I'm fourteen also, but I wouldn't go out with someone looking for dates on the internet.

  2. watch out for this victor guy up there. he may be a predator. don't email him.

  3. thats crazy! :( lool

  4. umm, are you serious??? its the internet, watch yourself with this one, && i hope nothing happends to you !!! BE SAFE

  5. there are predators out there.

    watch out.

  6. Listen little girl, you are seriously asking for trouble posting a question like that.  Where is your mother?

  7. woah, creepay! i totally know someone named kaitlyn whose about 5'3 and is exactly like you described! but i never thought she was soo desperate, so you're probably not her...weird question by the way.

  8. sure i am 13......

    and yeah i am a starter in surfing

    my email

    but first i have to get to know you

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