
.swf file extension?

by Guest60771  |  earlier

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I have been trying to put an animated picture with a .SWF File extension on my desktop without any success. I don't know if this is relevant , I am using window vista . I would be so grateful if you could help me out please. Thank you very much





  1. Not supported directly in the operating system. SWF's require an external player of add-on. Animated desktops are very memory intensive and will burn up a lot of processing power...

  2. Animated picture can only be .GIF a .SWF can only be a flash video file. Or shockwave flash file. So you will have to make it in flash. Though when you save it in .SWF it wont be a picture file as .SWF is not a picture file, like .GIF .JPG .BMP

  3. Are you sure that the animated picture , if you have made it yourself , was finalised/or finished before you tried?

    If you made the Animated picture using Windows Movie Maker , then you must finalise or finish movie before you can move it..its a hard question to answer not knowing what program you are using

  4. .SWF = shock wave file , no matter what you do the desktop will not allow it .

  5. .swf files are played by Flash.  make sure you have the most updated flash player on your computer.  its a free download online.

  6. .swf is not a picture file so you cannot make it a desktop

    try that porgram

  7. It's Shockwave format, at the moment it will only play in your browser.

  8. In previous versions of Windows, you could have used Active Desktop to display your Flash animation, but Microsoft removed that functionality from Windows Vista.  Probably because using it seriously slowed down your computer!

    Your best bet is probably to download or create a gadget to display your animation in the Windows Sidebar.

    Hope this is of some help to you.

    PS. You might find these sites of interest:



  9. The problem is you need ActiveDesktop to display a webpage or webpage elements on the desktop.

    There was a program called WireChanger that does something similar:

    Though that requires ActiveDesktop as well.
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