
!! swimmers !! help me out with this one plz?

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i joined the summer swimming classes with the intention of me being able to swim along the beach with ease. Little did i know that having to swim for 15 metres without planting the feet on the pool floor is a tall order atleast for me. i kick without bending my knees, keep my toes pointed, pull myself with all the strength but, after a while i raise my head to take a breath and i could continue no further because all the effort to swim that far leaves me gasping for more air and a single breath just wouldn't, i have no choice but to stop and rest for a while. how do i continuously breadth while iam swimming? how do i relax and swim casually and slowly so that i would have no need to gasp for more air? and any other tips to swim efficiently?

P.s: it is both pitiful and really funny to watch some of the short guys sending s.o.s signals from the middle of the pool not being able to continue or plant their feet.




  1. you don't want to raise your head to breathe while swimming. Practice turning your head to the side when swimming to breathe. You can find a pattern to breathe, I tend to breathe every 3rd stroke. this helps keep rhythm and helps you never run out of air.

    (You turn your head to the side as your arm is coming over the top of the water and take a breath. You turn your head back down as your arm is entering the water and breathe out under water as you are swimming , then repeat. )

  2. every three strokes breath on your side and turn your head.

  3. You should be able to float on your back to conserve energy indefinitely. And you should be able to tread water for quite some time. Swimming in the ocean is more difficult.

    Using a mask and snorkel I swam along Kaanapali Beach on Maui, but gave up half-way because it's really tiring.

    I guess you need practice to breathe deeper as you turn your head. Swim more laps?

  4. I am a competitive swimmer so this is easy. You don't have to swim with your knees locked! You just need to keep your legs  straight. Bend them at your knees slightly when you kick. To look relaxed but still go fast, have a good, strong kick and pull. When you breathe, don't turn your body to the side or else you look like your drowning. Just turn your head and breathe with your mouth. If you find you don't have the strength, build up arm strength with some weights and for your legs, run. As well, you have to build up your core muscles. All ab and back exercises will help you (crunches, plank, leg raises, and sit-ups). Focus on getting in shape, especially if you already know how to swim. I hope my answer helps you and the best of luck to you and your swimming! Have fun! P.S: Also, try breathing every 3 strokes, that way, you'll swim in a straight line. Don't know how it works, it just does!

  5. if u raise your head you will sink but if u tilt your head to one side then u wont sink and u will be able to keep swimming to take a breath or two

  6. Get a boat

  7. just breathe to the side, and breathe regularly. You will get the hang of it in no time.

  8. Breathe regularly. Do a lot of cardio workout like jump rope or aerobics.Toning sessions at a gym wouldn't hurt either.

  9. swim on your back, and just kick your feet

    i always swim like that when im tired

    also , obviously you have to movoe your hands too

    then when you catch your breath, go back to the way you do it

  10. instead of bending your elbows and swimming fast, streatch your arms out, and swim slowly, breath every four storkes to keep your breathing regulated and just relax. Blow through your nose for two strokes, then through your mouth for two strokes, then breath to the side, Make sure you don't bring your head fully out of the water, jusy high enough to get air, then put it back. Hope that helps :)

  11. practice practice practice... ask your coach about breathing exercises to do in the pool... a lot of the problems people have with swimming is that they aren't breathing properly and you need to train yourself to do it properly... other than that practice makes perfect you need to start off swimming slow... then slowly work your way up... when I swam on a team we would do exercises like swimming across the pool using only 25% of our strengh then 50 then 75 then 100... it's hard to tell what is what but don't always swim as strong as you can... you need to swim at a slow pace before you can swim at your fastest.

    Good luck and don't give up

  12. practice makes perfect with swimming, and the longer you train the easier it will get, and you will eventually realize the best way.

  13. First thing you are using your arms too much, use your feet and legs, your arms are more or guiding where you are going and for movement while in stroke.  Once you get a cadance down with your movements teach yourself to turn your head to either side (outside of the water) to take a breath as one of your arms comes up to be put back into the water. Also lengthen your stroke into the water and don't chop the water in front of you that only takes more enegry away from you and makes it harder to try to learn how to take the breath.  I self taught myself how to do it and it took a while to learn how far to turn my head and how to take a quick breath as well.  You'll probably suck water a few times and cough it up but if you learn how then your chances of swimming better greaten tenfold. GOODLUCK!

  14. You've hit on the reason that you're struggling: you're not breathing.  You should breath as much while you're swimming as you would running.  While your face is in the water, exhale.  The biggest mistake I see novice swimmers do is try to hold their breath while swimming.  If you're not inhaling you're exhaling.  Breathe every 3 or 4 strokes, and relax.  This should make swimming much easier.

    Good luck.

  15. Don't strain your legs and feet by trying to keep them straight. Yes, keep them straight, but don't strain to do it. Make sure you make a "cup" with your hands, so the water won't go through your hands when you stroke.

    With each stroke, turn your head to the oppisite side of the hand that's up. Then take a breath. Watch and professional swimmer to do it.

    When you want to take a break, but keep going, do a back hand stroke.

  16. well. it just might be that your out of shape. but before you swim i suggest some breathing exercises. and dont eat before you swim. and exercise. always exercise and practice. always practice

  17. I have been swimming my whole life and it sounds like you just need to increase your lung capacity.  Try running, soccer, tennis, anything to get you breathing alot.  also while your in the water work on holding your breath longer and longer.  It may be hard but try a pyramid.  Thats where you take 3 strokes between each stroke for the first 25 meters, then 4 on the next, then 5 and so on all the way up to 9, and then back down to 3.  As for your form, practice makes perfect kid

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