
tips on how to start a small buisness needed!!!

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  1. Dorene Zeller


    Have you been looking for a loan?Do you need an urgent personal or business loan?contact Dennis Hopkins Finance Home he help me with a loan of $300.000 some days ago after been scammed of $2500 from a woman claiming to been a loan lender but i thank God today that i got my loan worth $300.000.Feel free to contact the company for a genuine financial service. Email: or or Tel: USA +12404374240 .He is a trust worthy man.    


  2. This great legitimate opportunity is a (Private Loans from Private Investors),If you are sure you really need a loan for your expenses,personal loan,car

    loan, accomundation loan ,educational loan,lease loan ,to fix up a luxury vehicle, to maximize your visa or other credit cards , account like pay pal and

    alert pay as well as you bank account funding  to pay apartment bills do not miss this low offer that can be affordable by few people.

    I know that your bank is giving you a difficult time regarding your financial situation?Large Flame Stars Loan World  is a successful private money

    lenders/investor that will personally help you out with its personal cash flow. Large Flame Stars Loan World lends individuals money against their home

    equity, business loan, personal loan, student loan, etc.  Large Flame Stars Loan World   loans up to 75% CLTV (combined loan to value) on the property

    with just 2% interest rating. The company will do what the BANKS WON'T DO...which is treating you like a human and not a number...what a concept!

    Also Traditional banks are only looking at the bottom line – they punch and crunch the numbers and POOF! What the computer numbers dictate, it

    decides whether you  stay afloat or drown.Sure they’ll make excuses and may even try to make a penalty deal which eventually still overwhelms the

    current situation. The only other option is BANKRUPTCY! Well, the company has a LIFE BOAT for your business or personal needs that negates the

    BANKRUPTCY option to be erased totally in your life.

    Do you care to swim or sink,this company has exist for decades now and can get you loan to you in 3 hours timing after time of documentation and

    processing.? If not, email us now at  and we can get together and discuss this further.Nevertheless, the company

    will also use its money(loan) to help you out of debt if you are behind on your mortgage. The company will provide funds to take over your mortgage so

    you no longer have a monthly debt and you can walk away from the house payment that was creating such a burden in your life.

    The company will assist you in repairing your credit and removing the mortgage rates, so you can get a fresh start again. You could give your number

    first and i will call you, if your mortgage is going to adjust hundred's or thousand's monthly and you don't know what to do next, then email now.

    Most foreclosures that have already occurred could have been prevented if stopped soon enough to find out there options. Whether you are in

    foreclosure or worried you could be affected by your mortgage adjusting and as a result losing your home because of rising payments, then act fast .

    We have helped people in various areas and location with the same situation. Nevertheless, We also specialize in unsecured business lines of credit by

    matching your credit profile with your business history with our network of lending sources.

    Stated Income

    No Collateral

    No Tax Returns

    No Financial Statements

    1 day application and less than 2 days funding.

    LARG FLAME STARS LOAN WORLD  can be structured to fit just about any situation of yours. So if you have a special need, questions, or concerns, the

    company will do its best to help you out as you contact Mr.Kelvin Sevvone via .

    In the meantime here are some general guidelines:

    • Minimum loan amount: $1,000.00USD

    • Maximum loan amount: $100,000,000,000,000.00 USD

    • Loan Period: Can be from 30 Days up to Thirty years. with just only 2 % interest rate which suppose to be 20% interest rate before at 1993

    • Payments: INTEREST ONLY,But Leverage deposit with the balance due at the end of the loan period.

    It will take 2 working days to process your loan from the date you apply and you have the loan fund.

    • Areas the company can work with: United States of America (All 50 STATES), Mexico, Canada, China, New Zea land, Ireland, Austria, Australia,

    Germany, Spain & the United Kingdom Philippines ,Singapore, New Zea land, UAE, and South Africa.

    Thank you and have a profitable day contact me with this email  and see as the loan gets to you surprisinly provided you do what is needed to document

    the loan .

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