
[urgent] looking for anyone who will willing to tranfer an uk visa application appointment space!?

by  |  earlier

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i am currently really urgently need applyin for the UK student visa again before end of October and is looking for anyone who is not so urgent and would willing to transfer the visa application appointment ?!

all the time are fully booked in four home office. i can do the application in birmingham, liverpool, london or glasgow. anywhere can do. (i located in glasgow)

the chances might be small, but if anyone would willing to give away their appointment, really ThANK You for the help and 10 pound is what i am thinking to pay for the swap.

(.hoping to receive good news from anywhere in uk soon..)

thanks all who read this message




  1. why are you asking us!!? just go to the visa office and ask them!!!  doh!!!!

  2. Honey, I am sorry you are having so much trouble.

    £10 is not the best incentive it's too little to do the swap for money and might insult those people who would do it as a kindness.

    Don't they usually take the expiration of current visa into account when booking appointments?


    I'm not sure just waiting outside would work - try phoning each individual office and asking them if they would phone you if there are any cancellations. Providing you are honest and polite (letting them know how much you would appreciate the favour) someone at the office should take pity on you. Certainly worth a try.

    Good luck


  3. Sorry to seem like the grim reaper mate, but you have asked this question 5 times already and have only had 3 replies-including mine!

    That alone should be telling you something!

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