
[vegan] What are some foods that i wouldnt generally know had meat and animal products in them?

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Im going vegan!!

Ive been a vegitarian for 2 years so you know.

but i didnt know margarine was animaly too.

what else wouldnt i know about?




  1. If you live in the US, McDonald's fries contain beef tallow.

  2. Look out for lactose (milk derived) and some products that use honey use the word 'mel'.  Omega oils seem to be in loads of things these days, they can be vegetable derived, but mostly come from fish oils.  I would pay close attention to 'e' numbers, u can search the web for this information quite easily.  Probably the best source of info is the vegan society, they provide loads of great free leaflets/booklets and have a special pack for people who wish to go vegan.

  3. Hostess foods usually contain beef fat.

    Some veggie burgers contain egg and/or cheese.

    Vegetable soup/stew often contains chicken/beef broth.

    Some potato chips have milk.

    You'll have to stick to dark chocolate.

    Many breads have egg or milk.

    Many ingredients list whey instead of milk (whey is milk).

    Margarine doesn't always have dairy.

    There is 100% vegetable oil margarine at most stores.

  4. planters peanuts have gelatin.. how stupid!!

  5. there could be some vegeterain stores around your town, like in my town theres only 1, but yea defiently is good you care for animals but organic or vegeterain stores are the best to find anythign you need ;)

  6. Any gummi candies that have gelatin in them They use anial proteins( Skin, Bones ect.) to make the gelatin. So dont eat jello either

  7. well fries from fast food restaurants are fried in cow fat. so you're eating cow fat in french fries.

    margarine could be meat and vegetable too. so it depends on which type you buy.

    candies and toffees like caramel has gelatin in it. and on the ingredients list. it said that caramel and toffees contains a little amount of pork.

    also salad dressing has raw egg yolks blended in it.

    I suggest you to read the ingredient list carefully before eating packaged foods.

    and as long as you don't eat like a steak or pork chop, then I think your gonna be okay for a vegetarian.

    I honestly can't stand the thought of animals being slaughtered and chopped up in a slaughter house every second of the day. just because humans wants to eat them. animals are really innocent and we shouldn't ea them just because we shove them into trucks, kill them, slice them and sell them in super markets. that's wrong.

  8. Anything that contains gelitan, ie: marshmellows and Jello. Gelitan is boiled down bones, hooves, and horns of animals

  9. Tortilla's

    French Fries

    Virtually anything that is fired has to free of any animal fat. This is incredibally hard to detect unless your restuarant will let you read the ingredients on the oil they use to fry in. Believe you me thay all LIE about t*t oo because they don't want to lose your order. Animal-Vegetable shortenblends are much less expensive than all vegetable frying oils and all restaurants are looking to cut costs these days.

    Pie Crusts






    Virtually all baked goods as they contain butter or a derivitive there in. Sorry, kid but it's true.

    Also anything with eggs in it is out of the question.

    Hey, BTW did you know that if you're a true vegan you'll throw away all your clothes/shoes that contain leather in them? Yup. Going true vegan means "NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS IN OR ON YOUR BODY"

    Good luck kid, I think this c**p is more of a bite than most of us can really, and I mean "REALLY", chew. So again, good luck.

  10. I finally gave up coffee, because I got tired of making special trips just to buy soy coffee creamer.  Non-dairy coffee creamer, although it is lactose-free, actually has a milk-derived ingredient, sodium caseinate.

    "Natural flavor" is very hard to avoid.  It can be anything.  If it is egg, dairy, fish, or any other common allergen I believe it has to say so, but it could be beef or pork.  Someone on here pointed out popcorn can have animal ingredients in the "natural flavor" so I checked some Act II popcorn we had in the cabinet.  This is the ingredients list:  

    popping corn, palm oil, salt, less than 2% of: natural and artificial flavor, butter, color added, freshness preserved with TBHQ and citric acid

    Except for the butter, it seems fine.  But then there's the allergy notice:  Contains:  egg, milk, fish

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