
(veggetarian) high school lunch ideas?

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okay i go back on the 2nd of sept...

im on this diet and i can afford maybe 200-250 cals at lunch.

im thinking :

water (0)

apple (50)

celery sticks (raw burns more then its costs)

carckers (100)

cheese (50)

im veggetarian and i have a perdy small appitite...

can you give me some other combos, in this format?

i cant have the same thing every day! haha!





  1. Make sure to include some wholesome, freshly peeled carrots in your lunch pail.

  2. If you want to lose weight cutting your calories to 250 for lunch is a bad idea, when you cut calories your body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to any fat that is has ! You are also still in your teens so you should not be dieting. Try eating a proper lunch of at least 350 - 400 calories with a good portion of protein and some salad, like tuna salad and some fruit also. Unless you intend to keep up this diet forever it will not work because as soon as you go back to eating normally you will gain all the weight back. If you insist on going on this diet go ahead but you have been warned !

  3. Your in high school and cant spell vegetarian?

    I'm in the eighth grade and *I* know how to spell it.

    I don't eat decaying flesh because unhealthy.

    Mad cow disease is in America.

    It's disgusting.

    And, this isn't the stone age. Humans don't need to take away lives to eat.

    It's torture.

  4. y are u a vegetarian ? u are still growing u ned to eat like a normal person..

  5. Juice



    Baked chips, or veggie chips

    Small salad w/ low fat dressing.

    I basically lived on salad in the 8th grade.

  6. Buy some Garden Burgers and heat them up at school for your lunch if you have access to a microwave.  You could also heat them up at home before school and eat them cold with a slice of cheese.  I've don that before.

    There's a bit more nutrition in the Garden Burger than what you've suggested.  Garden Burgers come in MANY different flavors too!

    Oh, and work on your English language skills this year in school.  Your spelling is pretty bad. How can you be a vegetarian if you can't even spell the word?

  7. if you have access to a microwave:


    apple slices: 50

    melted cheese (twice the amount you suggested) : 100

    cubed rye bread: 50-75

    might be fun to try, you could add extra liquids and spices to the cheese, there are lots of fondue recipes to try and you could also sub pears or other things for the apples

  8. You have an eating disorder.  You should get help.  It's not normal to eat so little.  The average lunch is 500-600 calories.

    You should take some raw vegetables, a faux lunch meat sandwich on whole grain bread, and a yogurt.

    Or you could take a a bagel with cream cheese and some fruit.

  9. Here are two very good sites that you can get recipes and meal ideas off of:

    The asparagus, chick pea & brown rice is a really easy dish to make and it is very good.   Check out this site.  Here are some other recipes that I really like from this site:  Skinny Omelet, Lime & Peanut Coleslaw, Frittata, & White bean salad.  There are many really good and easy recipes- all vegetarian.

    This is also a very good site:  

    Here are some other recipes that are very good:

    Quinoa Stir Fry W/ Spinach and Walnuts

    White Bean Dip


    You can dip veggies (cucumbers, red peppers, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, etc) in the white bean dip and the hummus.  Or you can spread either on a whole wheat pita or have it in a wrap.  

    Eat a lot of veggies (they have very little calories & are good for you), fruit, nuts (walnuts & almonds are the best for you) or nut butters, eggs and beans.  It is very important that you get protein every day.  It would also be good if you ate yogurt & cheese.  

    Other ideas for lunch food:

    hard boiled eggs

    egg salad

    rice & beans

    grilled veggie wrap

    whole wheat pasta with mixed veggies


    veggie burgers

    bean salad

    The example you gave for lunch is not a meal but a snack or min-meal.  If you are eating that little then you should be having 5-6 min-meals like that a day.  Do not eat to little calories.  It will back fire on you.  Its not good for your overall health and it will take you longer to lose weight because your body goes into starvation mode.  

  10. Well my suggestion is eating in moderation and getting excersize for staying healthy but I am not going to not offer you suggestions. since you are a vegetarian you need to get protein and these can be found in peanut butter, beans, and of course tofu meat (which isn't real meat) Id suggests a healthy structured lunch such as:

    peanut butter and lettuce sandwich- it tastes better then it sounds

    orange juice or milk- orange juice will provide calcium and I believe milk has a source of that too along with keeping your bones healthy so you don't get horrible pains when your older.

    and an apple or two or an apple and celery sticks- fruits and vegetables should be the highest amount of food consumed in your diet because they are the ones that need the most servings acording to the Canada food guide ^_^  

  11. I don't know the calorie count on most of any of what I'm going to suggest, and I can't totally assure you they are going to be under 300 calories, but its worth a try.

    The fruit and vegetable thing sounds like a good idea, and if your on a diet, you should definitly stick to celery sticks, and then for fruits you can choose through an apple, a banana or grapes. Whatever you like. I always used to do this:

       Grapes, cheese and crackers. Water to drink. And you can definitly add celery sticks in there (:

    I'm italian so I'm not so sure that [^] would be in your calorie range. But I tried, right? Hehe. Another thing is, what is your daily calorie count supposed to be for this diet? Because, depending on what you eat for breakfast [if you do eat breakfast] you could possibly eat more calories at lunch, but noticing you have a small appetite, small portions like what you said are definitly just right (: Good luck with the school year and the diet! I go back tomorrow! Yipes. lol. And i am on a diet thingy too, so we are basically both on the same track, haha. so anyway, good luck! (:

  12. I LOVE negative calorie soup!  I highly recommend you try this one:

    1 head green cabbage, cut into 1 inch pieces

    1 medium onion, peeled and diced

    4 large carrots, peeled and sliced

    4 stalks celery, sliced

    4 turnips, peeled and cut into cubes

    2 zucchini, peeled and cut into cubes

    2 cans green beans

    16 ounces tomato juice and 16 ounces water

    Combine all ingredients in a stock pot and bring to a boil.  Add water, if needed, to cover all vegetables.  Reduce heat to a moderate simmer and cover.  Cook about 1 hour, or until all vegetables are tender.

    Also, things like kidney beans, chick peas, and lentils are essential to help keep a healthy portion of protien in your diet.....especially if you're a veggie.  Some veggies eat fish as part of their diet, I would recommend one high in Omega-3's like salmon, or maybe something hearty like fresh tuna.

    Veggies RoCk!

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