
(vespa's) is it g*y for a guy to ...?

by Guest62447  |  earlier

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ride a vespa?




  1. no at least u have a car!

  2. no, get a black, blue, not yellow high pitched c**p

  3. You know the old joke...

    What does a scooter and a fat chick have in common?

    They're both fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you on them!!!

  4. before today's gas prices i would have said yes.... but prices are getitng ridiculous...i honestly couldn't look down on anyone for what they drive.... as long as they've done it to save on gas.

    now if you were wanting sometype of motorized cycle and out of all the choices chose a vespa... yeah, i'd say that's pretty g*y.

  5. not in all cases , just very very sad.

  6. i have a honda aero 125 and a fire breathing 77 sportster, and i can honestly say that i ride the aero more- it gets well over 100 mpg- and my wife and i are pretty sure im not g*y.

  7. Not necesasarily, but if you do you better be ready for some guys to be "eyeballin ya," if you know what I mean.

  8. Yes.  We are all that way.  Happy now?

  9. g*y ! totally g*y !

  10. At the rate gas prices are going up I imagine you will see a lot more people on Vespas.  There are plenty of guys on small scooters what are you so uptight about?

  11. it's all about YOUR perception...if you feel g*y on a vespa, you are. If you feel great on a vespa, so be it.

    Don't worry so much about what others think.

    Pull a wheelie or do a stoppie on the scooter, then you won't feel so g*y...or , maybe not?

  12. Yes it is.

  13. You can call a guy whatever, but he'll be saving lots of $$$ at the pump.  At least I wished I have a Vispa compared to my SUV.

  14. No, the way gas prices are, not at all.  I do, however, think they are artsy cafe freaks.

  15. I try to look as dorky as possible!  I'm 6'3 and 240lbs, and I choose to ride a Honda Trail 90.  I wear leathers, a tall half-helmet, and thick black goggles......and my bike is yellow.  If I get noticed, I won't get run over.

    Also, I get over 100mpg, and I can fill up for less than $ g*y is that?

  16. Only in the mind of the little  people ( Mentally Little)

  17. If it's got two wheels and a motor I couldn't care less what you ride. Anybody that does is having masculinity issues.

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