
.what are carbonates and acid carbonates??

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  1. Carbonates contain the (CO3)2- ion.

    Acid carbonates or hydrogencarbonates contain the HCO3- ion.

  2. Carbonate are salts of acid carbonic and a metal, such as

    CaCO3, CuCO3, Na2CO3...

    Most of carbonates are insoluble in water (except for those of Alkali)

    more of carbonate

    Carbonic acid (acid usually end with a "ic", not an "at"), well are the acid of CO2

    more of carbonic acid

  3. >>

    .carbonates are compounds containing the carbonate ion..

    .acid carbonates are compounds containing the hydrogen carbonate ion..

    .just as acid-base reactions are an important type of double substitution reaction, the reactions of carbonates and acid carbonates with acids are an important subtype of acid-base reaction..

    .carbonates undergo double substitution reactions with acids to form carbon dioxide and water or acid carbonatees, depending on the relative quantity of acid added:

      K2CO3(aq)  +  2 HCl(aq)  --> 2 KCl(aq)  +  CO2(aq)  +  H2O(l)

       K2CO3(aq)  +  HCl(aq)  -->  KCl(aq)  +  KHCO3(aq)

    .the acid either totally or partially neutralizes the carbonate..

    .carbon dioxide, an acidic anhydride, can react with a base to form a carbonate or an acid carbonate:

       CO2(g)  +  2 NaOH(aq)  --> Na2CO3(aq)  + H2O(l)

         CO2(g)  + NaOH(aq)  --> NaHCO3(aq)

    .the base either totally or partially neutralizes the carbon dioxide..



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