
...what are other cool add ons for my blog???

by  |  earlier

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...i have a newly created blog and i dont have much idea on what to put in the sidebar... pls help me... here is my blog url...




  1. You really have a nice page, l think you should just check whats out there and use what you think you would like. Clocks or Lava lamps, there are all kinds of flash things to add. But l think you have a great page, really, l do. And it is okay to post here because that is why we are all here, to help out anyone who needs some advice.

  2. 1) What does Friendster have to do with Yahoo 360?

    2) The best add-ons only work when you install blog software (which is free) on your own web hosting account (which can also be free... sometimes even with no ads).

    Why? Because any site dedicated to blogging will put restrictions on the sort of things that you can add, especially if it involves putting scripts on your site.

    For example, the BEST thing that you can add to any blog is something that is invisible to your site visitors, the thing I install first on any blog account I'm setting up for a client, Google Analytics.

    You can tell not only how many visitors you've had, but where they're coming from (not only what links from what websites, but what countries and cities), how long they stayed on your blog, which pages they've visited, and so much more information that I could write a book on how to use it. All with pretty charts and graphs and maps... and we're talking USEFUL information, when you want to start getting into strategies for how to get visitors to your blog. For instance, if your blog had Google Analytics you would know exactly how many people came to your blog from this question, and how many of them actually stayed and read more than one page.

    But you will never get it to work on a blog when you cannot cut-and-paste the code they give you into your theme.

    And speaking of themes, check out these, and see what's out there...

    Some of the blogging software you might check out are Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress. Drupal and Joomla can do a lot more than just blogging, so they're a bit more challenging to learn than WordPress.

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