
. what imapact does drugs and chemicals have on fetal development?

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. what imapact does drugs and chemicals have on fetal development?




  1. VERY BAD IMPACT!! Not good!! Can cause several birth defects.

  2. They can cause numerous defects and abnormalities...ranging from mild to severe depending on the drug(s) and exposure.  I tell you though, if any expectant mother even thinking about taking a harmful substance while pregnant ever saw what I've seen (I'm a NICU RN), she'd  NEVER consider it.   I've seen babies w/ horrible birth defects linked to drug use.  I've also had taken care of many drug addicted babies that were in withdrawls so badly it was beyond pitiful.

  3. none.  Toke up, and throw em back!

  4. have you heard of fetal alcohol syndrome?

    And the grammar should be "what impact do drugs and alcohol have on fetal development?"

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