
what is process of election of Pope ?

by Samuel Peregrine  |  11 years ago

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The Pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bishop of Rome and, according to tradition, the human representative of Christ on earth. The role of the Pope is a spiritual and moral guidance of more than one billion Catholics in the world. Pope, also known as Pontiff or Pope, is elected to the office for a select group of senior officials of the Church and maintained his position until his death or, rarely, to resign.

 Tags: election, Pope, process



  1. Finn Joseph

    Basic principles of papal elections

    Hemera Technologies / / Getty Images

    The Roman Catholic Church elects a new pope after the death or resignation of the former pontiff. Any male Catholic can be nombardo for leadership of the Church in theory, but in practice the College of Cardinals elects the candidate for the papacy of senior clergy. A pope is elected only by the most senior cardinals and not by the popular vote in the general election. A popes are not permitted to choose his successor.

    The College of Cardinals and the Conclave

    When a pope dies or resigns, the eligible members of the College of Cardinals Vatican are kidnapped in what is called a conclave (Latin "c*m clave" or "captives"), usually in the Sistine Chapel. The Cardinals who are older than 80 years at the time of occupying the papal throne, or if vacant, may not participate in the selection process. It elects the candidate, Juan Pablo II Universi Dominici Gregis 1996 only by vote rather than a shout of little use or methods of selection committees.

    The election process

    Nine cardinals are chosen at random to count the votes cast by the absent, three gather the votes of the cardinals who are absent due to illness, three have the votes, and three outlines the vote count. The remaining votes are distributed among the cardinals present in the conclave, each cardinal elector writes the name of his choice on the ballot and pledges aloud that this is the candidate to be elected "under God." The Cardinals folded ballots and place them on a plate resting on a chalice. Four votes are held every day of the election, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. If no candidate is elected that day, votes are sprayed with chemicals that produce black smoke when burned in a special oven in the Sistine Chapel and incinerated.

    Here are the results

    The cardinal electors vote as many times as necessary until finally one candidate receives a two-thirds majority. Ballots are then incinerated without the chemical additive, the resulting white smoke is a sign to the world that the Catholic Church has a new pope. The dean of the College of Cardinals, the Pope asks whether to accept his new position, and if the answer is "I do", the dean asked what name the Pope wishes to adopt. The new Pope expresses its new name, and Dean goes to a balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square and announces "Habeam Papam!" ("We have a Pope!").

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