
what was the first fantasy league?

by  |  10 years, 8 month(s) ago

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User can build their own league with the help of other users. Would someone tell me what was the first fantasy league?




  1. Bobmitchell
    The concept of picking players and running a contest based on their year-to-date stats has been around since shortly after World War II, but was never organized into a widespread hobby or formal business. In 1960, Harvard University sociologist William Gamson  started the "Baseball Seminar" where colleagues would form rosters that earned points on the players' final standings in batting average, RBI, ERA and wins. Gamson later brought the idea with him to the University of Michigan  where some professors played the game. One professor playing the game was Bob Sklar, who taught an American Studies seminar which included Daniel Okrent, who learned of the game his professor played.At around the same time a league from Glassboro State College also formed a similar baseball league and had its first draft in 1976.

    While those two leagues focused on baseball, it may be football that produced the first version of the hobby. The Greater Oakland Professional Pigskin Prognosticators League began in the early 1960s with eight teams. George Blanda was the first player taken in the first draft in 1963.1963 draft result

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