
who invented fantasy league?

by  |  10 years, 8 month(s) ago

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It is online sports game. Would someone tell me who was invented fantasy league?




  1. Bobmitchell
    The game originated in 1962 from an idea of Bill Winkenbach, then a Raiders limited partner, with assistance from Bill Tunnell, the Raiders' public relations man, Scotty Stirling, the beat writer from the Oakland Tribune, and George Ross, the Tribune's sports editor, as well as Philip Carmona, Winkenbach's friend. The idea emerged from a three-week road trip the Raiders took to the East Coast. Winkenbach and the others fleshed out the idea during the trip, and upon their return, formed the first fantasy football league, the GOPPPL (Greater Oakland Professional Pigskin Prognosticators League)..

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