
???why does there is a rainbow after the rain?

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  1. The rain acts as a lens and refracts the light, different wavelengths at different speeds.  Each wavelength is a different color of light.

  2. the main reason that i know is because in the Bible, the story of Noah and his ark has a rainbow...God told Noah to build an ark because God was going to flood the entire earth for 40 days and 40 nights because everybody on the earth but Noah and His family was living in an extremely dark state of sin, and this would be constant the end of those 40 days and nights, God made a rainbow in the sky as a sign to Noah as a promise that He would never flood the earth again....

  3. Its gods sign of showing us he will never make a great *** flood like before ever again.

  4. because i dont know lol.

  5. Technically, rainbows happen during the rain (usually when it's drizzling, like after or before a rainstorm)

    Rain drops act as a prism, the white light from the sun is really made up by the colors you see in the rainbow, the prisim effect from the rain drops break up each individual color, leaving us with a bending stripe or "bow" that consists of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (technically not a color but a wavelength of light), and violet (known by the saying roygbiv), this is why, if you take a gel of every color in a rainbow (gel is a technical term used in television studios for a dyed plastic sheet or a plastic sheet with a colored film used to change the color of light, not as in the word referring to a thick liquid), you are left with a white glow

    The reason it seems to be after a rainstorm then during it is because when it stop raining, the overcast usually breaks up letting the sunlight through, the rain that is still falling is used as the prism described above

  6. we see rainbow b'cuz  the light rayz of the sun suffer from total internal reflection within the water droplets frm rain....xD..bit of physics...xD...adi0s...!

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