
: ) would i look good with these bangssssss?

by  |  earlier

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heres me-

and here are the bangs-

thanks!: )

and give me the link to your question and ill answer itttt: )




  1. yeh you would look good wif it

    an damm ur beautiful

    nice eyes x*x

  2. yes that style of bang would look awesome on you !  :)

  3. i think you would look really good with those bangs! and you're extremely pretty!

  4. I think you'd look awesome with those bangs! You're sooo pretty too! Thanks for answering my question =D

  5. Yeah, i think you would look good with them!

  6. wow

    youre drop dead bueatiful


    and i love your hair now

    but if you grow it out a little longer

    you would look great witht hose bangs

  7. yeah, those bangs would definitely look nice on you, and you are so gorgeous:]

  8. No to the bangs.

    And why do you have chanel in your name? You probably don't even know what it is.

    Haha, I love how you're trying to impress me. I know you want to talk to me, but if you do, please be mature. Fix your look and stop typing like you're 12.

    Also, Coco is not a type of Chanel, you're an idiot. Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel is the founder of Chanel.Haha, I love how you're so narrow minded, again, stop trying to impress me. You lack intelligence.

    Alright, if you don't want to impress me, why do you keep replying? Just adding fuel to the flames. Like many other girls on yahoo answers, you lack personality and intelligence. Please continue to argue with me, it makes my day when little immature girls like you try to outsmart me. Why don't you just keep dreaming about all the Chanel products you wish you had?

    And to the broken pearls idiot, what does my name have to do with anything? Obviously you can't back yourself up in an argument, why don't you just stay out of this conversation/argument? You know nothing, that's all.

    I'm done arguing with little girls. Peace!

    I'm not a hater either, I'm just smarter. I'm also honest, you wanted my opinion. Take it or leave it.

  9. yeah they would look really cute on u and btw your hair is pretty

  10. omg yes!!!! that would look really good. i think you already are pretty, but the bangs would spice it the bangs!!!

  11. Hunny, you already look pretty, why would you want to change that?

    Btw, im glad you can smile. Im sick of girls with blank faces or pouts (lol i cant smile i can only pout so im a one to talk :P)

    Yes, you would look beautiful with this hair style, but like i say, your already pretty. You have a normal sized head, but teh girl with those bangs has quite a big head thats why it suits her. You dont have a fat head, so im not so sure it would suit you as much as her, but you will still look nice with them :)

    answer mine? (just say in teh answer: "dont go" because i dont want to vote the other person as best answer :P lol):;...

    Lol i forgot the link part :P

    Fyi to the girl that said you dont know what chanel is, well you obviously do if your name says coco which is a type of chanel. Shes just jelous that she knows what it is but cant afford to buy it. HA.

    Your name is ZOMBIE which means a dead version of someone. Yeh, ok then :/- Why would she want to impress you your not even a person your an IT.

    "Chanel No. 5 was the first synthetic perfume to take the name of a designer" and if im not mistaken, coco chanel is a type of chanel because its made by the same person. I lack intelligence? maybe you want to look up what the word type means because it means this: a subdivision of a particular kind of thing. < And incase you didnt understand that, the "thing" i was refering to is the very same person you were talking about: Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel.

    Now go and get a life or play with your previously alive barbie dolls or whatever because i really dont have time to read what you type next to sound mature and intelligent.

  12. Yea you would look cute with bangs :)

  13. Yea, I think it would look great :-)

  14. YES girl go for it, they're hot!

    Oh and "zombie" is such a hater...eww..she does look like a zombie.

  15. yeah i think they would look cute on you....and i think your very pretty

  16. I think that they would really suite you! I was looking at the same hair style yesterday :)

    btw you have really pretty eyes

  17. Zombie, quit being a smart a s s.

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