
-x > -4, -2x < -1 , 5/6x >4/5 Does somebody help me with?>?

by  |  earlier

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please help to solve them i have more but i just need one of each of them.




  1. -x&gt;-4 / multiply with -1 (when you multiply with negative, you change &quot;sign&quot;)


    -2x&lt;-1 / multiply with -1 again



    5/6 x&gt;4/5

    x&gt;4/5 / 5/6

    x&gt;4/5 * 6/5


    good luck!

  2. -x &gt; -4

    divide both sides by -4 and you get

    x &lt; 4

    (sign switches, yes)

    -2x &lt; -1

    divide both sides by -2 and you get

    x &gt; 1/2

    5/6x &gt; 4/5

    divide both sides by 5/6 and you get

    x &gt; 24/25

    Hope I helped!!

  3. The value x = 1 satisfies all the three equations.

  4. You have three equations:

    (1) -x &gt; -4      

    Multiply both sides of the equation by (-1) which forces you to reverse the direction of the inequality sign.

    x &lt; 4

    (2) -2x &lt; -1

    Again, multiply both sides of the equation by (-1) which forces you to reverse the direction of the inequality sign.

    2x &gt; 1

    x &gt; 1/2

    (3) 5x/6 &gt; 4/5

    The least common denominator of these two fractions is 5 * 6 = 30.

    I am using * for the multiplication symbol.  Multiply both sides of the equation by 30.

    [((30 * 5) * x ]/ 6) &gt; ((30 * 4) / 5)

    (150x) / 6 &gt; 120 / 5

    25x &gt; 24

    We now that that

    (1) x &lt; 4

    (2) x &gt; 1/2          and

    (3) x &gt; 24/25

    Thus:    1/2 &lt; x &lt; 4 is the final answer.   &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

    You have infinitely many numbers between 1/2 and 4 to choose from.

    The x &gt; 24/25 gave us no additional information.

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