
· What's the hardest thing you ever had to do ?

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· What's the hardest thing you ever had to do ?




  1. Deal with Death-my Dad took a long time but when a cousin called my Husband to tell me My Dad's twin ( favorite Auntie May) Died I just about beat the c**p out of him crying that he was

    lying,then just cried all night in his lap. Needless to say to this day we do not speak alot. She was my last living relative.  

  2. Tell a person that one of their relatives had died. Horrible experience, never wan't to do that again. I don't know how police officers can do it.

  3. Getting past a best friends death.  Admitting to myself I need help with my mother's death and I need counseling.

  4. Give birth.

  5. Other than poppin out kids--- chopping up a rattle snake in my front yard with a shovel.

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