
£1.08p for half a tomato how can that be?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my partner visited a MOTO service station restaraunt and enquired how much a breakfast was and how much the individual items were. The answer came as a shock in that each individual item would cost £1.08p no matter which item of breakfast it was ...... so i enquired if i had half a tomato (that being 1 breakfast item ) would that also cost £1.08p? he replied 'yes it would' so MOTO of Bridgewater i say shame on you and i feel for your staff who seem to apologize to customers having been charged an extortionate price for such a small piece of food. Anyone else with this same problem?




  1. you should have had a full one , and then shared it with your boyfriend

  2. Motorway service stations are notoriously extortionate.

    And have you noticed how friendly the staff are? NOT

    The majority can't even be arsed to say thank you as they take every last penny for your shite meal and tea that tastes like pee.

    Better off driving a bit further to a proper caff

  3. That's really disgusting. I would have thought they could throw in half a tomato at no cost. That would be an expensive meal. I rarely go out for meals because they are so expansive now.

  4. Taking the """" or what. And when they finish with it, it's no longer edible anyway!!! For above in U.S. dollars it would be about $3

  5. About $2.00.

    Its a disgrace, motorway service prices are extortion, the people that own the places are clearly vermin.

  6. If everything costs £1.08 why didn't you get lots of the biggest things they had?

  7. We stopped at a service station on the way back from holiday. We were charged £13 for 4 bacon sandwiches. I found a hair in mine so my Gran complained and we got them all free! Next time you have a meal there pull a hair out and say you found it in your meal, a nice freebie for you!

  8. These places should be boycotted,  If no-one went to them they have reasses their prices.

  9. Motorway service stations are a rip off. I always take my own food so that when I stop all I need is the toilets, which are free. I would never buy anything from them. If I want to eat I would pull off at an exit and find a chip shop.

  10. that's why  you only stop at these places if you have to they are just high way robbers without the masks they know people will pay  because they are hungry even there petrol / gas is over priced .......

  11. I hope you told them where to put it? This is extortion in well I don't know the words to say, there should be an inquiry about this sort of thing.

    I feel awful when we go to the loo's at services and my kid's ask for food and I have to say I can't afford it.


  13. in a free society nobody is able to enforce you to pay prices which seems to be too high for you. the offer is known by you before you accept it, so the whole process is fair.

    whether you accept a price or not in capitalism depends on mutual consent and as a result of this no price can be too high.

  14. Motorway service stations charge these extortionate prices simply because they can. They know full well that if you are hungry enough and don't fancy getting lost in some town somewhere you will pay whatever they charge simply because you have no choice. On the BBC news sometime last year it was announced that trading standards was looking in to this overpricing.

    I get round this problem by taking sandwiches or a flask of water and a pot noodle with me. Not because I am tight but because I do not appreciate being ripped off.

    In America this is not the case. There are no actual motorway service station. They have rest stops with toilets but that's about it. If you want to eat, you pull off into a town, which means the prices are kept stable by local competition.

  15. I hope those prices included VAT! Where abouts was this MOTO service station? I've never even seen one! - I'd have gone somewhere else!!

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