
¿Do you know where Costa Rica is?

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I mean, I am costarrican but I always like to ask foreigners where my country is...

Do you know where we are?

Have you been here?

Did you like it?

What did you like the most?

By the way, sorry for my english... and thank you for your answers.




  1. Yep i know where costa rica is exactly and i have never been there before but i always go to Mexico :)

  2. Yes.

    - I know that you are costarrican. Your beautiful country is there.

    - I haven't been because I haven't got money, money but if you invite to me I'd like it.

    - Yes, I watch "canal 11" TV.

    - You.

    Don't worry for your happy.

    Trinity. English native


  3. my husband is from Tres Rios! I absolutely love Costa Rica and it's people!

  4. in Central America

    and I've never been there

    my Spanish teacher from eighth grade was from Costa Rica

    en la América Central y en yo nunca he estado allí

    mi maestro español de octavo grado fue de Costa Rica

  5. Yes I think your country is very beautiful, but I don´t have enough mony so I know your contry by pictures!

    It´s a shame!!


  6. I know where it is, because I was born as a Costa Rican. And don't worry for your English, it is much better than Juan A's English.

    Costa Rica is the best place in America.

  7. Hello, Are you Totús?.... Really?....Oh!!!! your English is well...

    Yes, I know where Costa Rica are; I'm Mexican, your Neighbor; but never been here.

    So, I been in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador...Ah! Also in Can Cun, Palenque and Tabasco. It must be similar.

    So, I can to say I know your country, and is beautiful, for the place, for the geografy and for the People...In individual, for you. And for Martín Valverde.


  8. Yes, I have seen it on the map and know Costa Rica is in Central America. I have not been there but would like to go, if I could. I have a friend who has been there and he said he liked it. He returned with a great tan! And also spoke a bit of Spanish......just a few words. I have been encouraged to learn some Spanish myself. I went to Peru in 2005 and this year, in Aug-Sept, I was in Guatemala. I like to practice my Spanish, even though I know just a little, with the people I meet in Spanish-speaking countries.

    Yo hablo Espanol poquito.

    Yo Chino Americana.

    Como esta?

  9. Im also from Costa Rica and its awsome to live here!

  10. Yes I know where your beautiful country is and here are my top 10 reasons for living here.

  11. -Creo que está la sur de  Argentina y al norte de Perú.

    ¿Me vas a poner pulgar arriba también?


    -Pues nada porque núnca he ido.

    -No hay problema, entiendo.

  12. Hi

    Yes i know. It is in central America.

    I love Costa Rica.

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