
¿Do you like the monarchy?

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¿Do you like the monarchy?




  1. No.

  2. Most people who do not like the Royal family are totally ignorant of all the good work they do, they are part of our British heritage and I am very proud of our Royal family and our country.

  3. Which particular one?

    In general they are parasitic people who do nothing except go around telling people how fabulous they are.

    I have yet to find a monarch in recent history who does anything of note beyond smiling and looking grand.

    I am not sure what they are for, and I certainly don't want them.

    They are an out of date anachronism.

  4. I love the fact that we (Britons) have a ceremonial head of state. I'm glad the queen does not have the sort of political power that can be abused, but monarchs do make excellent leaders as long as they have morals and good intentions.

  5. I think our Queen is remarkable in her dignity and consistency of behaviour.  She has had many personal tragedies, which she has borne with fortitude.  I remember her from being a little girl in the 1950s and she has never let us down.  

    I get tired of people's envy of her wealth.  The Royal Family actually cost us very little per capita each year and bring in an enormous amount.

    Does anyone consider her total lack of freedom.  She can never voice her opinion in the way that people on here are doing and just goes stoically on through all the criticism of the Royal Family in the press.  God Bless the Queen.

  6. I have always been a Monarchist. By their very existence they contribute substantial amounts to HM Treasury, plus HM The Queen and other members of the Royal family pay taxes on their income, both personal and corporate.

    Plus, they can be very entertaining!!

  7. They are real people just like you and I.  However, they tend to be a bit on the stodgy side.  I think they really hate being in the limelight all the time.  In my opinion, royalty is rather outmoded. The Queen is actually just a nice lady with a title, as the United Kingdom is actually run by the Prime Minister.  The consort, Prince Phillip, is merely a figurehead, and doesn't feature much in the royal family.  The Princes Charles and Harry, don't do a lot either, as far as benefiting the country.  But all the royals are in the news, so we are aware of their presence.  As far as liking them, I can't say I dislike them.  But I don't think they are very happy, and if they had their way, they'd probably prefer to live ordinary lives..

  8. no

  9. All people are of equal value.  A monarchy sets some above others.  Does that answer?

  10. I asked earlier for their abolition but then I was told that they bring in more money that they have, so they are a positive to the economy. I am indifferent to them

  11. Absolutely. Queen Elizabeth is a great statesman (woman)

  12. I am an American so I don't really know from experience, but I love them and I don't see why people don't like them. I think that they do a wonderful job especially if you consider how much stress they are under. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be trying to please so many people. And no matter what you do you will be criticized by someone. I think they are absolutely wonderful.

  13. no, they are an embarrassment. it wouldn't be too bad if they were even English, but they are more Greek and German than anything.

    Charles is an idiot married to a horse, prince Philip is just a moron, how the queen ever married him i don't know and Andrew and Edward a generally failures. i feel sorry for the queen with that family.

  14. I admire the British monarchy and those subjects who support their Constitutional monarchy!  HRH Queen Elizabeth is a terrific head-of-state.  Wish Americans could say the same.

  15. To be honest, I have never really thought about it. I suppose that puts me in the "couldn't care less" category.

  16. Considering the bunch of criminals and lunatics that get themselves made heads of state around the world, our royal family compares very favourably.

    Camilla is a much more suitable wife for Charles, I hop she becomes queen when the time comes.

  17. I assume you are talking about the only important Monarchy, The British one........Of course I have followed them for years, and the truth is most people follow them.  If it wasn't true they wouldn't have web links and slideshows right on the Yahoo news page!  The web links are very up to the minute and informative.  You don't see any other Royal Families mentioned on a daily basis!

  18. No...I only like Princess Diana....

  19. I'm disappointed in them after the way things went with Princess Diana. And now, there's Prince Charles, married to 'the other woman'.

    I'm glad Prince William and his brother were old enough to remember their mother and what she stood for. Thank goodness ... someone with down to earth values with a sincere heart for the less fortunate. I hope they conduct themselves much as she, where the populace is concerned.

  20. As an Englishman and a royalist I would have to say yes. They are what has made this country what it is. One of the few democratic countries in the world. Even though politically their role is superficial, nevertheless no Act of Parliament can be passed without the Queens approval.

    They are the greatest tourist attraction that this country has. When they go abroad they also generate a great deal of foreign trade.

    Of course as this country changes in its population make up, then views will change. My answer is if you don't like royalty then go to a country where there is no monarchy - sooner the better.

  21. The ones in Nepal are apparently a bit off, same goes with the ones in Lesotho. If you mean the ones in Sweden they seem to be alright and the same goes with the Norwegian and Danish ones. The Japanese have been around so long they are totally out of touch

    By the way. Which monarchy are you referring to ?

  22. i am not bothered about them at all, but do think what roll do they play and why do we have them

    regards x kitti x

  23. Yes I do and am very proud of the job they do

  24. which one?

    Anyone nowday are just parasites.

  25. i don,t like the british monarchy but i like others

  26. Yes I do, Much better than any president I know

  27. long live the queen...and the rest of the royal family..... I'm all for the royal family... I'm very proud to be a Brit... and when i travel and i see peoples reaction the to the royal family (all positive) it just cements that pride....

  28. Depends on the type, absolute or constitutional [limited]?  I personally, prefer a constitutional monarchy in fact its about equivalent to a democracy.

  29. Yes. God Save the Queen!

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