
¿do you think that free will and fate are the same thing?

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I think that all the things that happen in my life belong to the development of mi own soul.All come out from the background of mi soul, even outer things, becouse are affecting my destiny. Otherwise, any tragedy could be caused even by a dog or a drunken driver, which is absurd for mi. I think that each misfortune is looking for a change in the way to see the world and my existence in It.It is not chance or casuality, ti is has a metaphysic reason for happening. ¿Do you thing that all the things tha happen to you belong to you, that your soul is attracting them?




  1. If for everyone there is a free will, then fate would be the resultant of all those free will meshed together.  Reality is not required to make sense to an individual, it just has to be real for everyone.

  2. I believe we can control alot of what happens in our lives by using the universal Law of Attraction! Please read this article about how to manifest your own destiny and I agree that yes alot of what happens in your life comes from your own soul!

  3. to some extent, evn i agree with you...... there is nothing called by chance.. everything happens, as if everything was planned before...

    i always felt, if i wanted something, with a strong will, always things went in that way... like the nature, is making my way, or helping myself to achieve wat i want.... And now i believe dat, if ur will is strong, whole world will be working silently for you, making your path easier....

    and about the tragedies.....  may be, everything happens for a cause.. and outcomes of your desires.....

  4. Fate is the cards we are dealt,

    Free Will is how we play the game.


  5. Put down "The Secret" and see life for what it is, which is this: it just is. We humans strive to place order and we crave to understand "why" something is. We are also narcissistic enough to think we have power over things of which we do not. Your soul does not attract anything, but your actions and choices have consequences.

    Put it this way, how does walking down the road, getting hit by a car come from the development of your soul?

    And there are tragedies all the time caused by drunken drivers and dogs. Why is that absurd? You think someone struck and killed by a drunken driver somehow wished that on themselves? That's not a tragedy?

    And on a larger level, how do tragedies such as the Holocaust or other genocides jibe with this way of thinking? Did all those killed bring it on themselves because of their "souls." No, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and events overpowered them.

    But back to free will and fate. Fate is the belief that no matter what you do, whatever you choose to do, you really have no control over it. You don't even have control over the act of choosing. But with free will, you have the choice to decide what you want to do.

    If you want to go through life thinking that whatever happens to you is because some so-called soul is attracting it, go on ahead. But at the end of the day, the story of your life will be written by the choices you made, the actions you took. How you interpret that is up to you. But please, don't lose sympathy for those who have suffered real losses -- their "soul" did not necessarily attract that.

  6. I don't believe in fate and I don't believe in free will.

    I believe that our actions are based on other actions. I believe that our brains are so chemically complicated that it gives us a sense of being. Now I'm no expert in this field and I know I have a lot of learning to do so this might not be right, but it logically fits.

    Good luck.

  7. free will is our gift from God.  He allows us to choose our own actions.  That does not preclude the all knowing God from knowing what will happen to us..our fate.  Can we know our fate?  No, but God does.  Free will also belongs to everyone else too...which may affect what happens to us.  Also, there is a vast difference between liberty and freedom.  We are free to do what we want, but not at liberty to do anything that could harm anyone else.

  8. I feel our lives are destined before we are even conceived.  Once we are born, we have free will to choose that which is destined in our lives, or find our own way.  If we choose to go our own way in life we are subject to circumstances that we would be otherwise protected from.  Most of us do not see this however, until after the fact!

    I do strongly believe that there are positive and negative force fields in life.  What we put out there is what will be returned to us.  But, it is not our soul that attracts this, it is our minds.  I do believe in the law of attraction! :D  Blessings

  9. No.

    Fate is the given.

    Free will is the way we act and choose.

    Misfortune or tragedy is the resultant of our behavior, other people's behavior and the forces and given of nature.

  10. there is no soul

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