
¿does anybody know something about yellow grid in the eyes?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Could be the beginning of pink eye.. be careful because it is highly contagious.. put a warm compress on it and see doctor.

  2. Probably a slight problem with the liver.

  3. amarillo tendrás el zapato...en el ojo? oh. no entendí..jijiji

  4. You may have "pink eye" this is contageous.  It is suggested that you go to your general doctor to get it checked out.  If it is, then you would need a prescription for a topical antibiotic.

  5. Anytime something is discolored seek medical attention.

  6. Verea...You speak better English than I speak Spanish. LOL

    I think yellow in the eyes can be hepititis...yellow jaundis?? Google these things. Also google "yellow in the eyes". "causes of yellow eyes". I tried to get the link..but it wouldn't copy.Sorry.It said there are 34 possible diseases..or reasons for it.

  7. Sounds like Jaundice to me.

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