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I'm 16 years oldand three months pregnant and would like to give my baby for adoption can someone help me? someone wants to my baby? Please help! I'm desperate I live in Guatemala





  1. Consider us please?  There are so many good people, however, there are so many bad.  Whatever you do, make sure there are other officials making sure that the adoption is in the best interest of the baby.  For instance, we have a home study on record at the courthouse for our son's adoption.  It had to be done with checks through the FBI (an American police investigation department), local police checks, social workers coming to our home to do checks, and more.  Do research on adopton, and be very, very careful, and do not sign anything unless you have someone read it who understands it.  Once you sign something, you can't take it back!

  2. Grace      ?o te llamas Gracia?

    Mi vida, espero que estas con gente que te puede informar de verdad.  Hay gente aqui en Yahoo de todas las clases:  que sabe, que no sabe nada, que quiera adoptear tu hijo para simplemente mejorar su todo.  

    Piensa MUY bien en lo que estas planeando.  Busca la informacion adequada y completa.  Si tienes solamente 16 anos, eres todavia un menor.  Puedes buscar informacion y ayuda en el Defensor del Menor...o por lo menos te pueden dirigir al sitio adequado.  

    Aqui en los EEUU, Guatemala tiene una mala fama de ser una de los paises mas facil para adoptciones extranjeras.  Acaba yo de ayudar una amiga traducir sus proprios documentos para buscar a su madre biologica en Guatamala.  Pero, ella ya no habla espanol, ha perdido su cultura, su solamente a su madre y padre biologicos.        ?Quieres esto para tu hijo?  

    Aunque estas embarazada con o sin querrer, es TU hijo tambien.  Bucsa informacion...pero aqui no.

  3. I got pregnant at 16 also.

    I went to a place called Mercy ministries.

    They helped me with the adoption and everything. there is no charge to stay there and you are not obligated to place the baby either. I would really encourage you to contact these ppl. They have a location in Peru now and other places in the world.

    I hope you are able to find the right thing that can help you now. You have to know that there is hope for you. You will be okay and so will your baby just make the right choices now so you will not pay dearly in the long run, Hope this helps. Best of luck!!

  4. Seria correcto asumir que siendo de Guatemala y escribiendo un "post" en ingles te ubica en un grupo economico de Guatemala en el que tienes una gran presion social por tu situacion? Has hablado ya con tus padres? Independientemente de que tengas exito dando a tu bebe en adopcion, tendras que manejar esto con tu familia. Al final, por el amor que te tienen te ayudaran.

    Si al platicar con ellos, todos como familia deciden dar al bebe en adopcion, busca ayuda local. Creo que seria complicado dar el bebe en adopcion en Estados Unidos.

    Nosotros somos un matrimonio que pronto tendremos la suerte de ser "foster parents" y potencialmente adoptar otro bebe. Veremos que informacion hay disponible. aqui.  Habla con tus padres. Suerte. Si quieres contactanos.

  5. Grace, there are a variety of ways to place your child for adoption. Considering your account was only started today, I am going to assume that you are a troll and you do not literally want to solicit 'parents' for your dear child over the internet. If I am wrong....please seek a local adoption agency or clinic and see if they might be able to assist you. It is NEVER a good idea to market your baby online.....who knows what kind of parent you could be placing your precious child with. It is for you, the adoptive parents, and--most importantly--your child's best interest that you get good advice and follow all legal procedures when placing a child for adoption.

  6. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t your country adoption program shut down temporarily? I also thought I read that when it starts back up mothers will be required to parent their baby for 1 month before deciding if they want to place the baby for adoption.

  7. OMG - sizesmith - you are a complete baby troll.

    Desperation for a baby has turned you bad.

    Please go away & seek help.

    ETA: To Grace - please know that giving your child away could cause great emotional and psychological damage to both you and your child.

    Children should grow up with the parents they were born to.

    Know your rights - do NOT give your baby away to anyone on the internet - they could get your baby - and do cruel cruel things to him/her.

    Please make sure you read this -

  8. grace... please speak to someone about this.  your untimely pregnancy is not the end of the world, and you need to know ALL OF YOUR OPTIONS before making a decision.  

    also, guatemala, to my knowledge, doesn't allow private international adoption.  also, i think the guatamalan adoption program is suspended.

    on more not...under any circumstances...respond to someone on-line begging for your kid. many of these people can't adopt due to criminal records, or other issues that make them ineligible.  and... begging for someone's baby is absolutely sick and desperate.

    sizesmit..... *sigh*  please stop.

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