
Ä° just start jogging any tips?

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So today i went for my first jog and i think i will make it a habit so is there any tips you can give?




  1. I jog a mile everyday. I jog  in the morning or the evening, before it gets to hot in the summer, or I do it midday in the winter when it warms up. I don't really stretch much before I jog, because I'm flexible and I find that i don't really need to, but that's me. And, while I'm running I do that breathe in, breathe out like in yoga because it keeps me from cramps. Oh, and by the way, it's so ARE there any tips, not so is there any tips you can give. (: My grammar is pretty bad, too while I'm typing.

  2. 1. Buy the best jogging shoes you can afford. If you live in a urban area, go to a store that specializes in running shoes. Good shoes will protect your feet and legs from the pounding they get when you run on hard surfaces such as concrete.

    2. Learn to jog correctly. good posture to max lung capacity. use your arms, land on a heel to toe fashion, do not run on your toes like a sprinter.  You will get shin splints. They hurt and take a while to heal.

    3. Warm up and stretch before you run. It will help you from pulling muscles.

    4. use different routes to break up the routine and try to increase the distance. 20 minutes is about the minimum for cardio vascular improvement but don't over do it.

  3. eat bananas

    drink lots of water

    get new shoes every 4-6 months

    have fun. =)

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