
ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż do i get these letters using the key board with out copy and pasting ?

by  |  earlier

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when using Gadu Gadu or w.e i wanna use these letters but nothing works and i dont wanna copy and paste help!!!:)




  1. these are "alt" key ascii codes.  You hold down your <ALT> key and press the relevant #'s on your 10key pad (not the ones above the letters on your keyboard).  

    to see a complete list of all the ascii key codes just do a google search for "ascii key codes".  You'll find plenty of websites that list them all out for you.

  2. try use combination number at your keybord numlock.. as example.. you press alt key and press number at the numluck.. example i make this letter š = Alt+0154 then try this Alt+154 then u can get this Ü letter.. all of that letter is a combination of the alt+number at the numlock key.. ok?

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