
Ä°s there a chance for a person who started tennis 14 years old being a pro.?

by Guest58961  |  earlier

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Ä°s there a chance for a person who started tennis 14 years old being a pro.?




  1. i doubt it. you could become a tennis coach aka "pro" and teach tennis, but i highly doubt its possible to start playing professionally when you started so late. you have no tournament experience, or anything, you would have to work sooo extremely hard, playing every day, entering in lots of tournaments, find yourself a tennis coach, take lessons, etc etc etc. it requires lots of dedication and since you started so late i just dont think you could.

  2. Yes, there is a chance for you to go pro, but you need to be very dedicated to playing. You should hire a coach ( a good one).  You should practice every single day in the morning and during the night.

    I practice every single day from 6:30 AM to 10:00 AM every morning. Then i take a rest do whatever i need to do during the day then i go back to practice from 5:00 PM to about 8:00 PM. During school days I practice with my highschool from about 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. But a coach would certainly help you.

  3. If you were a guy you would have a better chance, guys turn pro later than girls (on average), but most women pros started playing professionally before 18.  It will certainly be tough, but maybe you could do if you are naturally gifted at tennis.  Either way, have fun on the courts!

  4. there is a very small, minute chance (sorry), but unless you are extremely talented you might, if you are pursuing a career of playing tennis in your life and nothing else, in the next 7 years (at the least) you will be a pro

  5. Highly unlikely, starting tennis at 14 would take until 20 to be good enough to even contend I started at 6 And I have alot of holes in my game so sorry but probably not

  6. i doubt it..

    its a lot easier to learn when you're young.

    you could probably become a 'pro' as in coaching etc.

    but not as in.. maria sharapova, wimbledon pro.

    its possible. but not likely

  7. I would say very slim to none but I dont wanna get your hopes down. Yes there is a chance but trust me, the only way you can become a pro at age 14 is if you train like Venus and Serena Williams. They turned pro 14 by training extremely hard! You have to balance school and practice at the same time. And you have to make an important decision because if you turn pro, you can't go to collage unless you wanna see your ranking in the 500's

  8. Read James Blake's story. He's pretty good, and started later. BUT you have to train like a maniac and totally dedicate every second of your life into it.

    Lots of endurance and strength is also key.

  9. very slim chance.. unless the talent is very immense, and the training is done so intensely.....

    if u get to say enter some tournaments with good results... u never know...

  10. if you are just naturally good at it and you are like russian (they are known for tennis, im russian), then maybe  just keep practicing and be very dedicated and make it your life and i hope i see u as a pro in a few years buddy!

  11. If you're dedicated and you have natural talent, then sure.

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