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i know that neither recording ourselves talking/singing or what we hear in our heads is 100% accurate, and i know that we will never REALLY know what we sound like for sure but what do other people hear? Do they hear what we hear in our own heads or do they hear the recorded sound?


X kath




  1. They hear what we hear in our own heads just they are used to your voice, so in my opion, you always sound better to others than to yourself.  

  2. I think they hear the sound in our heads because when I heard myself on a recorder I sounded like a chipmunk.

  3. hmm hmm tricky tricky,

    i seem to think of it this way, No-one is exactly the same whether its physical or mental.

    so hears my thoughts on your question, i think that everyone hears different due to sound waves and what i mean by this is the size of the ear, BIGGER ears will hear a more accurate pitch and tone of your voice then a smaller ear because its catching more sound vibrations traveling through the air... hope that helps

  4. It depends greatly on the recording as well, it is one thing  to hear yourself recorded on your home stereo or on an answering machine, and another is how your voice sounds in a recording studio, which is more like you really do sound.  People hear you the way you hear yourself when you talk, what sounds strange about your voice is poor quality recording, a good quality recording (professional recording studio), should sound like the real deal.  

  5. ive tried recording myself and my voice sounded really squeaky. i don't think you will ever totally know what you sound like.

  6. The recorded sound, I once recorded myself and I was like WOW this is what I sound like to others

  7. i think they hear a comepletely different sound, not what you think you're saying.

  8. wooow, i never thought of that..wierd stuff:O

  9. huh?

  10. If other people are listening to a recording of you - then they hear the recorded sound you hear.

    If other people are listening to you singing/talking - they hear what they want to hear.

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