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i was just wondering if people who hear us speaking/singing

hear us the way that we hear ourselves or if they hear what

our voices sound like on a camera recording?


X kath




  1. Hey.

    I always think about these sorts out things and unfortunately its something that cannot be proven.

    I also wonder this about vision.. i.e. with colours.. although we would both call the same things blue, are we both seeing the same colour?

  2. We always hear ourselves differently than those around us. Our voices sound differently to us because of our inner ear.

    Hope this helps ya!

  3. no they don't hear us the way we hear our selves. depending on the person that's listening we may sound anywhere like a cheap recording to a good clone of their favorite recording artist.

    just depends on how the people listening interpret your voice.  

  4. they dont here us the same way we here our selves its scientifically proven and also its a little bit smoother than a recording device unless its a good 1

  5. yes it is the exact same. but the tricky part is the common sense to be able to identify whether your singing ability is decent enough or not.

    unfortunately many people don't have this ability.

    they get so caught up in their dreams, they don't realise they sound like a strangled cat.

  6. hi :) the way you would hear yourself recorded is the same as other people will hear you, ive watched videos etc before and asked is that what i really sound like?! and the answer has always been yes so in my head i sound totally different to what i thought so if i were you i'd record myself singing something to get a good idea of what i sounded like.

  7. the thing about recording is that you pic up all kinds of other sounds,go to a recording studio and listen too yourself then?

  8. No, you sound different in your head to how other people hear you in real life, and again, you sound different when you hear yourself on camera/voice recordings etc. Thats why a lot of people think that they are good singers, (on the X-Factor etc.) and it is a shock when they are rejected.  It sucks.

  9. I know what you mean my dad own a recording & duplicating business

    When i hear him singing it is the same as in real life except the recording makes every thing clear so you can hear every mistake but with a bit of fiddling the equipment my dad uses it can change your voice & tune it.

    However if i record myself i sound completely different so what you have to do is press your ears down so you cant hear very well & sing & that is what you sound like ,thats why alot of artists hold there ears when singing.  

  10. put ur fingers in ur ears and speak, thats what people hear ur voice as :-)

  11. We hear ourselves completely differently to those who hear us. That is why it is always so wierd when you hear yourself on a video camera or a mic recording lol, when I listen to myself back my own voice sounds strange to me lol! Xx

  12. People would hear you speaking/singing the same voice you hear yourself. When you listen to your voice in a camera recording, it's not your real voice. Believe me, I've been experimenting this with my friends, my voice sounds really old in the speaker but my friends say my voice is much younger than that.

  13. I know I don't. I'm 13 and I have a deep voice, but when I am recorded or On Like XBOX LIVE my voice gets high.

  14. No they don't.

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