
♥ How long should the grieving process take? What is healthy?

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Is it normal to cry years after someone has passed away when you think of them?

Today, i listened to a song that made me think of my Dad (in some little ways) and i started crying. My Dad's been dead for about 13 years, and most days i am okay, but some days i really miss him. And i start crying for no good rational reason, as grieving doesn't bring him back. What's done is done.

I'm glad i still have my mom but ...... you know what i mean.

Is this normal? Or not?






  1. I lost a friend 27 years ago today, when he was in a car accident at age 17.  I think about it every year and especially when I hear "Endless Love" or "For Your Eyes Only" (corny, but pertinent at the time).  Granted, he wasn't my dad, but I still get sad.

    I don't think you ever really get over the loss of a loved one.


  2. Don't worry.  I still cry every time I hear "Butterfly Kisses".  You lost your dad and there will always be times when you wish he was there.  It's okay to cry.

  3. yeah its normal, as long is it doesnt affect you living your life, its fine. sometimes my mom tears up a little if she looks through our family album and sees happy pictures of my grandfather. and he died about 10 yrs ago. i think you have come to terms with your fathers death, but it doesnt mean that you wont ever stop shedding tears about it once in a while. so yes, dont worry you fine. hope i helped =)

  4. I would say that's completely normal. When someone that you love dies, you come to accept it in time, but you never stop missing them. Of course there will be days when you think of your dad and start to get love him and you miss him. It's healthy to cry and it does help to get the hurt out. I'm so sorry that you lost him. Hang in there. Hugs to you :-)

  5. everyone grieves in their own way

    I cry still over the death of my father when I think of him & he has been gone for 19 yrs now

    its always sad to lose a family member & remember them down the road but there is also happy memories too..

    I think you are normal...

  6. yes, its normal, or as normal as our lives can possibly be, dealing with day to day abnormal. I have had many losses in my life - my father 24 years the 3rd of this month is just one of many. I had a really good friend that committed suicide 8 years ago this fall. Sometimes it is like their presence is a weighted veil and I wake up feeling morose and thinking of them all day, crying, snotting, wanting to get drunk, having a pity party for my pity.. (there's some deep pity)

    Plus, the seasonal changes in the weather have a way of kicking my weak spots with pointy shoes, and tacks.

    Grieve, we must, there is not a soul alive that can tell you how long it takes because it varies from person to person..


  7. I would say as long as you aren't crying everyday then you are okay. When you hear a song or something that reminds you of him turn it into a postive. Think of the good times. Or think of what was fun during that time you heard that song or saw something that reminded you of him.

  8. I think it's normal. Everyone grieves in different ways and at different paces. My father passed away a year ago and, of course, it still hurts. The one thing I know that helps me is I try to only think about his life and not focus on his death. Does that make sense?  

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