
♥-- The sun?? --♥?

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Hey guys and girlz =)

I have a question.. [obviously.. haha]

While I was @ South Jersey this summer, I noticed that the sun was like >Red<... I loved how it looked.. It was ♥Beautiful!!♥

So I was wondering.. Why? why was the Sun red?

Just curious. No harsh answers please =] thankss!!

-- ♥ Delilah ♥ --




  1. Several things can contribute to that.

    1) Atmospheric pollution. If there&#039;s a lot of garbage in the atmosphere (industrial emissions, volcanic stuff, and so on), then it can cause the sun to appear reddish.

    2) How high it apparently is in the sky. If the sun is low, or near the horizon, the light from the sun has to travel through more atmosphere to reach your eye. Thus, it&#039;s similar to the first item.

    The atmosphere plays all sorts of effects on the appearance of the sun.

  2. You probably saw it low on the horizon, so that it was peeking through enough atmosphere that most of its blue light was scattered away, leaving mostly red.  When the sun is straight overhead, it&#039;s shining through about 90 miles of atmosphere.  When it&#039;s on the horizon, you&#039;re looking at it through at least an additional 100 miles of atmosphere, and that which is close to the surface as well, the densest portion.

  3. The Sun has a spectral class of G2V. G2 means that it has a surface temperature of approximately 5,780 K, giving it a white color that often, because of atmospheric scattering, appears yellow when seen from the surface of the Earth. This is a subtractive effect, as the preferential scattering of shorter wavelength light removes enough violet and blue light, leaving a range of frequencies that is perceived by the human eye as yellow. It is this scattering of light at the blue end of the spectrum that gives the surrounding sky its color. When the Sun is low in the sky, even more light is scattered so that the Sun appears orange or even red.

  4. My guess would be air pollution, it makes for some pretty fantastic views sometimes. From NYC ?

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