
• What benefits do people get from gardens (or, from gardening)?

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• What benefits do people get from gardens (or, from gardening)?




  1. Well you know that we live in a crazy world and when you come home from work and you have a bad attitude, going out in the garden eliminates all the stress of the day it is like free therapy nothing is a joyfull as planting a small seed and watching it grow into something that blooms so beautiful or something that is rewarding to eat because it tastes so much better that anything you could buy in a store-life is good in the garden!


  3. Gardeners get different things from their hobby depending on what you yourself want but never take on some project to big, my garden is grown so that it is easily maintained, with little time or, I can spend more time in it depending how my mood is. so be flexible even a place to sit and read no not even a book a cup of tea and the paper, feed the birds blackbirds and robins will come and have a look to see what is going on .a garden is what you actually want it to be just enjoy, and, if I have one tip for a would be gardener if you have grass get a mower that is man enough to do the job so it is not a chore but a pleasure and try to cut the grass in the growing season 1 day less than a week ie every 6 days

  4. It's soothing and peaceful for some, it's a chance to be outdoors and be productive and create something all your own.  

    It provides beauty and, in some (most) cases, food!

  5. peace and relaxation are what i get out of it, plus something to eat thats good for me.

  6. For me, gardening is a meditative activity.  It's physical work, certainly, but it helps me put other things out of my mind.  While I'm gardening, my attention is on the plants and the soil, or the rocks I'm building a wall out of, or whatever I'm spraying or pruning.  It's very peaceful (even if I am dripping sweat).

    It's been said that gardening is good for the soul.  I agree.

  7. Gardening is one of America's top three hobbies.  

    It's great therapy for those of us who like solitude and the pleasure of watching something you tended to grow.

    Gardening can work wonders on a marriage when both partners get involved in it.  I know it worked wonders for me.

    Gardening can become an addiction, and the envy of neighbors around you.

    Vegetable gardening provides a "free" source of healthy food.  You don't have to worry about pesticides unless you added the chemicals yourself.  You don't have to worry about diseases brought in by migrant workers who don't always understand proper hygiene procedures.

    Gardening is harmony with nature.  A healthy garden invites butterflies and birds...and the occassional rabbit, deer and other wildlife.

    Americans used to have vegetable gardens as a matter of survivial up until the 1960s when giant farms became the norm.  People would grow what they could, traded with neighbors what they wanted, and growing food became a community event.  I think this country would be better off if we went back to that old trusted tradition.

    For some people a beautiful garden is a source of great pride.  It's the first thing people see about a house.

  8. Fo rme, gardening is relaxing, therapeutic and a source of pride and accomplishment. I can take a seed and carefully tend to it until it grows and becomes something beautiful. Kinda like having kids that don't talk back, LOL!

  9. If you have to ask, then gardening is probably not for you.

  10. It's a hobby. A joy to those of us who do it. Some like baseball or painting, cooking, but we like growing things and watching them flourish. Lots of beautiful benefits!

  11. I totally agree with anwer No 1. If you don't know now you never will. Stick to answers.

  12. Being able to monitor the production of your own produce or flowers (i.e. organic products vs. pesticides and poisons).

    Not having to worry about store-bought produce that is supplying salmonella infested vegetables to their customers.

    Pride at knowing the hard work put into your garden has produced healthy, beautiful results.  A lovely feeling.

    A nice garden provides good scenery in a yard or lawn.  It's better than rusted out trucks!

  13. If you ever liked to play in the dirt – or take things apart – or put things together – or be amazed – or surprised – or to feel at peace. Enjoyed the smell of fresh earth – every plant releases a different fragrance when it is cut – there is texture, color, sound and movement. It’s you and wonder. A natural movie with a beginning, a middle and an end.  

    You can go to the same spot in a garden every single day and it will never look the same. It doesn’t ask for much and gives everything it possibly can.

    I have never looked at a speck of soil, a flower, a stem, a leaf, a seed and not thought to myself, “How beautiful is that?”

    "A garden" is sheer beauty and "to garden" is complete and utter pleasure.

    To quote “nathan f”: “If you have to ask, then gardening is probably not for you.”

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