
• how physical geographical factors have impacted the nature of African kingdoms, tribes, nomads?

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  1. Mostly, the Sahara has been a big barrier between supra and sub Saharan Africa. It's acted as a big wall between the cultures and people. It makes for a pretty clear genetic dividing line too. It stopped the expansion South of the ancient civillisations and technologies of the Med, in fact, during this time 'Ifriqa' only applied to the North coast of Africa, the rest was just called 'Aethiopia'.

    In modern times, the deserts are the last retreat of the hunter gatherers, as the land is to poor to be farmed.

  2. The Sahara, the Kalahari, and a few more minor deserts, represent some of the largest deserts in the world!

    Very few nomadic Hunter/Gatherer tribes can survive in or around them...

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